|Chapter Fifteen|

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"I think we need to talk," I say to Noah who is pensively watching the loud traffic below us while I sit in my oversized chair with my feet tucked under me while I am lost in a dark Peter Pan retelling.

"Everyone loves to hear those words," he  quips but he does turn around to face me, his back leaning against the balcony.

"Can you tell me about my parents?  My biological parents, that is," I say, pushing my hair behind my ear and sitting my kindle down on the table.

"I can tell you what I know, but it's not much," he nods inside the door, apparently the information he does have is sensitive.

"I don't think my neighbors are ever eavesdropping from their balconies, even if they did they would brush off anything crazy.  It's what I would do," I tell him sinking onto the couch, resuming the same posture I had in the oversized chair.

"I'm not really worried about your human neighbors, angel.  Don't you remember a demon tried to kill you a few days ago?"  I roll my eyes at him, because I'm going to die anyway and it doesn't matter to me how it happens.  "Your donors weren't angels, but rather half breeds."

"Half breeds?" I interrupt him.

"Yes, half angel half human, the word for them in the bible is Nephilim.  Your mother was half human and half angel, she descended from Uriel's line.  Uriel was an archangel that was over the politics of sorts.  He sat on the council of angels.  He fell in love with a human and produced your mother."

"What about my father?" I ask, leaning towards him, engrossed in his story.  There was no way any of this was possible.

"Your father was a demon," he says curtly.

"A demon, what kind of demon?"

"A lower level demon, he tricked your mother into being with him.  He ended her life as soon as she delivered you."

"So, not a good guy," I hum.

"The worst, there's a rumor that he's still out there," before I can interrupt him again he gives me a stern look, "there's a second rumor he was executed by Uriel."

"How did I end up with my parents?"

"Michael, another archangel, who knew who you were.  He put you in an obscure town with an obscure family so no one would find you until it was time for the Annihilation."

"Do they know?"

"No, they don't know anything about your history or your destiny."

I sit with his words for a long time.  My parents weren't my parents, which made more sense now.  They had never really acted like they wanted me, and never really seemed like they cared about me.  I didn't think it was their fault, they did what they could.  I just didn't think they were nurturing people.  There was nothing wrong with it, I just grew up lonely and obsessed with finding someone to love me.  It was why I had held onto Phil so tightly, because he was the only person who had given me any affection.

"Why was the crash what started all of this?  Did someone try to kill me?"

"Something like that," Noah mutters under his breath and I stare at him.  I look at him long enough he gets uncomfortable and shifts in this seat, as far away from me as he can be.

"What does that mean?"

"That is not a truth you are ready to face, angel," he says solemnly.

"What the fuck does that mean?"

"Your mouth is filthy," I'm not sure what it was about his words but it causes me to suck in a harsh breath, caught off guard by how sexual they sounded in his calm voice.  His eyes darken before he stands up, "You should go enjoy the sunset.  I need to go take care of something."

Unholy | Noah SebastianWhere stories live. Discover now