|Chapter Seven|

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As soon as I'm sure the spitfire with the different colored eyes is fast asleep, I fade to my best friend's door. He's having a party for the fallen tonight, and I needed to let off some steam. I open the door without knocking and have to shoulder by three couples making out. Loud music plays from speakers in every corner of the living room, bodies gyrate to the thrash metal playing like it's an ass shaking rap song, there's a man doing cocaine off a naked girl in the dining room. Sex, drugs and rock and roll are all here.

"Shouldn't you be watching the human?" my best friend Cassiel asks when I finally find him sitting on the patio. His bright blue eyes sparkle as he pushes the girl that was in his lap to her feet and she pouts as she stumbles off. There's 20 topless women in the pool, and even more stoned men watching them.

"She's sleeping," I shrug at him, I take the joint he passes to me. I put it to my lips and take a drag. It's not weed, "that's opium."

"That's opium," he smirks at me as he takes the joint back and takes a long draw. He goes to pass it back to me, but I wave him off. I have something else in mind to let off steam. "Lilith is here, she's been asking for you."

"I know," I say simply, she was always asking for me. We had an on and off carnal relationship. I knew she wanted more, but I couldn't give her more. "Why do you think I'm here?"

"You wound me, Sebastian," he teased, taking another drag of his joint, a cheesy grin plays on his face. He's so faded.

"Hey, Sebastian," A pretty red head calls out, she doesn't wait for me to respond before she plants herself in my lap. I take the drink she has from her hands and finish it. I wrap my arm around her waist and wait. Lilith will be here soon to cause a scene.

"Chloe, always a pleasure," I quipped. She brings her mouth to mine, her tongue reaches me before anything else does and I allow it. She tastes like fruit and cheap booze, cheap like her. Chloe is ripped away from me before I even had a chance to really react to her.

Lilith holds onto Chloe's high ponytail as she drags her to the pool. Cass nudges me as we watch Lilith push Chloe underwater, a smile on her face while Chloe struggles against her. Lilith doesn't let up until she stops struggling and no bubbles are coming to the surface.

The crazy woman with the raven hair emerges from the pool completely dry, she licks her lips as she prowls towards me. She's the embodiment of a wild panther, and I'm her prey.

"Sebastian," her pouty lips turn down in a mock frown, they're painted red and I can't wait to taste her, "it's been too long, my love."

I am not her love, but she will eradicate any female within a mile radius of me so that I know she will take away anyone else I might try to be with. It doesn't stop me from being with other women, it doesn't make me want her any more.

It doesn't make her any less persistent.

"Maybe it was on purpose," Cass calls out, she cuts her eyes to him and I feel a little bad for him. With a wave of her hand his airway is cut off. His face turns red as he struggles to breathe around her Jedi mind trick. Eventually he slumps over in his chair.

We are all Fallen, he will be fine. Chloe should be stirring any moment now, and she will be pissed.

"A bit dramatic, don't you think," I ask as she sinks onto my lap. Her skirt rides up her thighs and I see she's not wearing any underwear. She smells like rich perfume as she presses her lips to mine.

"They know better than to cross me, my love," I don't correct her, I am here for one reason and I don't plan to end up like Cass and Chloe. I press my thumb against her clit and she spreads her legs wider for me. "Right here, in front of all these Fallen?"

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