Prologue- 22 BBY

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"You awake, Yo?"

Yosiah Shaha looked up to see Anakin Skywalker, crouched down in front of him. Yosiah, Ahsoka Tano, and a group of clone troopers surrounded Skywalker, who was holding a hologram of two droid tanks.

"Let's focus up. We need to destroy these tanks before they reach the city and we lose innocent civilians. Yo, you lead your crew towards the first tank. Ahsoka and I will take the second. As of now, we have the element of surprise." He smiled at Yosiah. "Don't blow our cover by attacking too soon."

"Says the reckless one," Yosiah said, smiling back. He turned to his battalion. "You heard the man. Let's move out!"

"Yes, General," the clones echoed across the group. They began marching towards the direction of the tank.


Yosiah turned to see his young padawan running towards him.

"What is it, Laen?" Yo asked.

"Are you sure a full frontal assault is a good plan? It's risky."

"Do you doubt the Chosen One? How many battles has he lost?"

She shrugged. "All I'm saying is it's risky."

He put a hand on her shoulder. "Have faith, my padawan. It's going to work."

She smiled and nodded, taking her place by his side. They approached the tank, rolling over trees without scratch. An army of battle droids followed behind it.


"Yes, General?"

"Get your men ready for attack."

"Yes sir!" Gears and his men ran into the trees to the right.

"Det, you know what to do."

"It's my pleasure, sir." Yo could sense his smirk from under his helmet as he took the left.

"Are you ready, young one?"

Laen nodded, gripping her lightsaber anxiously.

He put a calming hand on her. "You're going to do great. Just stay focused and follow my lead."

An explosion sounded to their left. The tank's laser swung towards it, charging up. Yo motioned for Laen to move. They began running and launched themselves on top of the tank.

"Cover me, just as we practiced!" he yelled. Laen ignited her blue lightsaber and began blocking the blaster bolts from the battle droids. Yo ignited his purple lightsaber and plunged it into the head of the tank, slowly twisting it, trying to carve out a circle.

"Piece of cake, Master!" Laen yelled back.

"Good job, but don't get cocky!" Yo yelled. He was almost finished carving it open...

The circle of metal fell into the tank, followed by Yo. He ignited his lightsaber and began dodging and blocking blaster bolts from the droids, slicing through some and force crushing the rest. He walked over to the control panel and sliced through it, forcing it to a stop. He jumped out next to Laen. He lifted the radio to his mouth and yelled, "ATTACK!"

Clones came out from both sides and began firing at the battle droids. The droids didn't stand a chance as Yo jumped down to help. His purple lightsaber easily dispatched the droids and he used the Force to crush the others. Within fifteen minutes, all the droids were destroyed.

Breathing hard, he started laughing. "That wasn't so bad, was it?" He said, walking towards Laen. "Zero casualties."

"Once again, I was wrong and you were right," she responded with a smirk.

He smiled at her and looked over at Det. "Let's make sure this tank is never used again."

Det saluted him and proceeded to fill the tank with explosives. They began walking back to the rendezvous point. Once they were a distance away, Det pressed the detonator and watched as the tank exploded from the inside out.

"Beautiful isn't it, Det?" Yo said with a sinister smile.

"It never gets old."

"I see you made quick work of it," Skywalker said, walking towards them, the 501st close behind him. "The civilians are safe with no casualties." He folded his arms. "How did your crew do, Yo?"

"Better than you, I think."

Skywalker laughed. "You can think what you want, but the timers don't lie. Ahsoka?"

Ahsoka lifted a holographic timer. "We defeated them in 14 minutes, Master."

"Damn. We had 15," Yo said, shaking his head.

"Maybe another time," Skywalker said, offering his hand, which Yo took. "It's always a pleasure fighting with you, Master Shaha."

"The pleasure's all mine, Master Skywalker."

"You know, 14 minutes of battle really takes it out of you. The civilians are ever thankful and have kindly offered drinks as thanks."

Yo looked at Laen. "What are you thinking, Padawan?"

"Will the Council be upset with us if we stay longer than needed?"

"The Council won't need to know, Laen." He put a hand on her shoulder. "Two tanks taken down with zero casualties is a cause for celebration!"

They began walking towards the city in high spirits, Yo and Anakin sharing drinks and laughing.

Little did he know, Yo would lose everything to the man who said he was his friend. The prophesied "Chosen One," the one he had admired his whole life.

He would become the man who destroyed him, the monster, the machine, the Dark Lord.

And Yosiah Shaha would be left a disfigured mute.

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