𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐍𝐢𝐧𝐞

5 2 7

Colorado, Denver

11 years ago

I opened my eyes slowly and rubbed them gently, I pushed the blanket away and got out of bed. I walked to their room and looked through the half-open door, I ran to the bed and tried to call for my mom but she was not in bed, neither was my father.

I walked down the stairs carefully, with each step the temperature dropped, I shivered and hugged myself trying to stay warm. I stopped when I felt a gust of wind blow in through the front door. Taking careful steps out of the house I felt something wet on my foot, I looked down and shuddered when I saw the blood on the floor.

Scared and desperate, I ran upstairs again and hid under the blankets. I heard screams and curled up even more on the bed, don't go Jade, said the voice in my head. But when the screams got louder, I ran downstairs and I could feel the cold air burn my skin as I ran out of the house.

- Mom?

I screamed in the middle of the street, and suddenly the clouds got blacker and covered the stars in the sky. The gusts of wind grew stronger and I curled up, putting my arms in front of my face and closed my eyes. I was dressed in just a baggy blouse and pajama pants and I could feel the air coming under my clothes making my skin crawl.

I heard something break and felt the glass fall around me, all the lights on the streetlights were breaking, one by one. My whole body was shaking with cold and fear, but I tried to get up and try to walk down the street that was now totally without light.

I could feel the pain run up my legs up every time I stepped on a piece of glass, but I kept walking and called out to her again. Suddenly the street turned red and I looked up, the moon seemed to bleed as it lit my way with its crimson light.

I looked straight ahead again and in the distance I saw figures moving, and as I approached them I began to distinguish them one by one. My father placed himself in front of my mother, protecting her from the monster that snarled at them.

- Dad? – I muttered in fear.

- Jade! – the monster looked at me and growled – Hey! You want to be the alpha, right? You can be, but leave my family alone.

The creature growled again and approached me, I took a step back.

- If you touch a strand of her hair, I'll kill you.

The monster growled and jumped towards me, but my father quickly stood in front of me and I saw his blood splash all over me. My hands trembled as I passed them over my face, slowly shifting my gaze to the hands that were stained with blood, his blood. I could hear my mother's muffled screams, but I couldn't react.

I looked ahead watching as my father's body changed, in wolf form he fell on the monster and bit its neck with his sharp fangs. Its fur was as white as snow but there was blood that stained it, its eyes were red as the moon and on its paws it had sharp claws that tore the monster's body.

My gaze met the blank and dark gaze of the monstrous creature, I focused on its pointed teeth when I saw it open its mouth, its big tongue licked the saliva that ran down its mouth. I took a step back and felt my mother pull me as I watched as both creatures fought with each other.

- Run Jade! – she shouted and pointed to the middle of the trees – Run and hide!

- But...

- But nothing. Do as I tell you – she pushed me gently – Go!

I obeyed my mother and ran into the woods, hiding among the trees. I was silent, the white wolf was covered in blood and limping on one paw, the monster was growling incessantly, and I saw my mother run to the wolf my father had become.

I watched as something bright and blue flew out of her hands and hit the monster's snout, causing it to retreat. Several times my mother hit him with those shiny things and he walked backwards trying to dodge her attacks.

My father got up with difficulty and ran jumping on top of the monster, biting him several times, sticking his fangs into his flesh. The creature fought back and threw my father away causing him to hit a tree and fall to the ground, I ran to him. I shook him several times trying to wake him up, I called for him and screamed desperately, my hands caressed his white fur and became even more bloodstained.

I heard my mother scream and turned around to see what was happening, with sharp claws the monster hit her and threw her so hard that she flew to the other side of the road. I looked at my father again when I felt him move.

- Dad? – I murmured in a trembling voice.

The monster bit one of the wolf's paws and crawled it until its teeth were in contact with my father's throat, he growled and looked at me. I whimpered softly but it didn't affect the creature, it just pierced my father's neck causing blood to gush out.

Suddenly, a red mist formed and the wind blew strong again, I put my arms in front of my face protecting myself. I felt something burning inside me and pain all over my body, I screamed until I felt my voice faint and at the same time I heard the monster's growls.

I couldn't feel the ground anymore and when I lowered my arms and opened my eyes I saw that I was floating, my hands were shaking and I felt very hot, as if my body was on fire. I could feel everything, the blood coursing through my veins, every shiver that came and went, every one of my muscles contracting and relaxing, even every beat my heart made.

- No! – he growled – No, no! – I looked at him – It should be for me! – my vision began to blur but I could see how the monster transformed into a human – That power is mine!

I fell to the ground and the last thing I remember seeing is my mother who put herself between me and the monster, she grabbed my arm and I closed my eyes...

𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧Where stories live. Discover now