𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞

8 2 6

Colorado, Denver

October 14, 2020 - 3:25 A.M.

I ran through the dark forest, hoping to find my way back home, the wind grew stronger and many leaves of the trees around me fell. I looked back and saw the strange figure getting closer to me, I looked forward again and tried to run faster, I tripped over a branch that crossed my path and fell to the dirty ground, the figure got closer preparing to jump on top of me.

I shouted rising up - 3:25 AM - the time the clock set, it's still too early. I got out of bed going to the kitchen, in the hallway I found my mother coming out of her room with a look that expressed concern.

- Again? - she asked with a low voice.

- I'm fine - I answered simplistic - I'll drink some water and I'll be back in bed. Mom go to sleep, I'm fine.

- Okay, call out for me if you need anything.

My mother smiled and went back into her room. I don't like lying, especially to her, but at times like this lying was my only option. When I was little I had the same nightmare over and over again, it started after my father's death and after months of crying and sleepless nights, the nightmare stopped but now it's back.

It's been a few nights since this is happening, my mother doesn't make much of a case and says it will eventually stop but it gets even more real. I filled the glass with water drinking it right away, I lay down on the couch and slowly closed my eyes.

7:24 A.M.

I felt someone shake my shoulders, anxiously I got up to quickly making me feel dizzy.

- I'm sorry - Liam, my stepfather, said trying to calm me down - I had to wake you up or you'll be late for school.

- Okay, thank you.

- But if you don't feel okay, you can stay at home.

- No - I replied looking away from him, if he looks into my eyes he'll know I'm not okay - I'll go.

- Are you sure?

- Yes, Liam. I'm fine.

- If you want to stay, that's okay. I don't mind trying to leave work early so we can spend time together.

He wanted to say a father-daughter moment, but in all the years we've been together, I've never dared to call him that. Liam walked up to me spreading his arms, I shook my head and walked away up the stairs. As I came back downstairs, ready for school, I heard my mother and Liam talking in the kitchen.

- We have to talk to her.

- No.

- But...

- But nothing Liam. It's just nightmares, they'll stop.

- What if...- I walked to the door, interrupting Liam - Are you leaving already?

- Yes, Kathy and Mary are waiting for me.

- Okay, then...

I closed the door without giving my mom a chance to finish talking, I know I was rude but on the days I have the nightmare my mom seems to pull away from me, sometimes I think she feels guilty even though they are just nightmares.

While crossing the crosswalk a motorcycle passed at high speed, while trying to swerve so as not to be run over, I fell. The bike stopped a little further ahead, the rider dismounted and walked towards me.

- Are you okay? - he asked making me look at him, he still had his helmet on and stretched out his hand to me.

- Am I okay? You want to know if I'm okay? - I said furiously - You should pay attention! - I pointed at him and he laughed - It's not funny.

- I'm sorry, it's just that I'm in a hurry.

Huh? That doesn't justify anything. He lowered himself to my level and removed his helmet, his green eyes met my gaze, his lips flashed a slutty smile and his messy black hair gave a rebellious look to his appearance. Oh...Did it have to be him? I got up refusing his help, shook off my clothes and walked back to school.

- Hey wait, I'm sorry - I ignored him but he followed me - Let me give you a ride.

- No, thank you.

- That way you won't be late - I stopped and turned to look at him, he stretched out his arm showing the watch on his wrist - Come with me.

- I appreciate it, but I don't want to.

- I don't think you're going to make a good impression on the substitute teacher - he laughed, getting closer and handed me his helmet - It doesn't hurt to get on the bike and go with me.

He was right, maybe I should accept I don't want to make a bad impression.

- All right, but only this once.

I accepted the helmet and put it on my head, he just smiled and guided me to his bike. After mounting the back, he looked at me.

- Hold on tight to me.

- No way! - I complained, provoking a laugh from him.

- Do you want to fall? - I denied it silently - Then hold on tight to me.

I wrapped around his waist and clasped my hands, he looked straight ahead again and started the engine, I felt the wind against my arms exposed by the short sleeves of my blouse and I smiled. It seems to be unsafe but it's kinda fun, I leaned my head against his back and pressed my body even more against his, his smell reached me and it was very good, I don't want to leave, my heart was beating quickly and with our bodies glued together maybe he could feel the movements of my heartbeat.

I saw Kathy and Mary who were at the school gate waiting for me, I only realized that the bike was already parked when I felt their cold hands against the skin of my arms.

- I don't care if you're clinging to me - he turned, looking at me - But the purpose of the ride was so that you wouldn't be late.

- Oh yes, I'm sorry - I retracted my arms and tried to get off the bike - Please drive more carefully, you'll end up running someone over.

He smiled sweetly and got off from the bike, put his hands around my waist helping me down and removed the helmet from my head.

- I'll be careful.

I could feel my face getting hot from our exchange of glances, I lowered my head looking at the floor and thanked him in a whisper. He approached causing our arms to rub against each other, I moved away with that approach and turned around.

- Hey Jade? - his hand touched my arm, he looked hesitant - Ugh, nevermind...I'll see you around.

I continued walking to the entrance gate, which was surrounded by several students, until I felt a soft hand pulling me.

- Why did you come with Dylan? - Mary asked, nodding to Kathy, who was a little further ahead.

- We met on the way.

The three of us went upstairs to our living room, each one went to her place and luckily we were not far from each other.

- Do you think the new teacher will be like Professor Winston? - Kathy asked, sitting down on the table.

- What do you mean? - Mary said, placing her suitcase on the back of the chair.

- Annoying.

- Kathy, Professor Winston wasn't boring. You're the one who didn't like the classes.

- And who did?

Mary and I laughed at her question, followed by Gabe's response as he walked past us listening to the conversation.

- You were the only one who didn't like it, Kathy - he said, sitting down in the seat behind me.

They continued to talk as my mind drifted away, I stopped hearing their voices and laid my head on the table closing my eyes. I was so tired that I was able to sleep here in this uncomfortable chair surrounded by students and with the wind coming in through one of the windows chilling my neck.

𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧Where stories live. Discover now