Chapter 18- Dead Weasel

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"You can't possibly tell me that after all that, Michael is still killing people." Lucifer ran his hand through his hair as he pulled out his flask to take a swig. "I mean I knew killing Lexar would set him off but honestly, the damn changeling had it coming."

"So... Technically, he broke your rules, can't you just damn him or something?" Chloe asked. She watched him pace the floor from her seat behind her desk.

"I'm not my father, Detective. And it's not that simple." He paused in thought, his footsteps filtering briefly. "Of course I could just kill him, but as much as I hate him for what he's done to my family, I'm not sure Angelcide is the way to go."

Chloe leaned forward over her desk, not wanting any nosey cops to overhear her. "Okay, no one's killing anyone Lucifer, we'll figure it out." She smiled, taking his right hand in both of hers, causing him to halt his movement entirely. "We always do."

He smiled back at her. "I suppose you're right."
"Hey Clo?"

The pair turned to face a tired looking Dan. He had pulled an all nighter, dealing with the bureaucratic nightmare following Chris's death.

"Hey Dan, how are you holding up?" Chloe cocked her head at her ex husband.

"Fine, fine. I uh, we need to tell Ella, and everyone seems to be in agreement that it would be best coming from you."

"If it's any constellation Detective, I agree with Detective Dou- Dan. I agree with Dan."

"God, poor Ella," she said looking up at the Devil. "I don't even know what to say to her."

All of their heads snapped up when the front doors opened, and Ella emerged. Her typical spunk was dampened with worry, she immediately spotted the three of them and headed over to Chloe's desk.

"Hey guys," The Latina woman greeted. "Any luck with finding Chris?"

The three exchanged an uncomfortable look.

"Sorry Ella," Dan gave her a tight smile. He adjusted the files in his hands subconsciously before striding past her without another word.

"Whoa, what's his deal?" Ella raised a dark eyebrow, glancing up at Lucifer, who offered a smile just as nervous for his friend.

"Uh, Miss Lopez, perhaps the three of us should go somewhere more private." Lucifer said solemnly.

Chloe squeezed his hand as she sighed in relief. He wasn't going to let her do this alone. Of course he wasn't.

"Oh-kay...?" Ella shot him a look, her face scrunching in confusion.

They make their way to the forensics lab, Ella closing the door behind them and flicking on the lights. She leaned against the countertop, her arms crossing over her chest. "Okay, what's up?"

"Ella... About Chris," She began slowly.

"Did you find him?" She asked hopefully, her eyes darting around as if expecting him to be hiding in the lab.

"Dan found him last night," Chloe responded timidly.

"Why didn't he say anything?"

"Ella I'm sorry," she shook her head, a sad look on her face.

"Decker, what are you saying?" Ella frowned, looking from her, up to Lucifer. "Lucifer?"
Lucifer grimaced, "Miss Lopez... Everyone that we saw as a changeling was-"
"No," Ella interrupted him.

"Ella, I'm sorry," Chloe touched her hand. "Dan caught the case last night. They found his body at the end of the road that we live on. Michael was trying to send us a message."

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