Chapter 16- DAN.

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A/N: I'm so sorry about the wait, I haven't even had a chance to write, let alone edit chapters for posting the last month. I've been convinced by some friends to join their band since I happen to play drums and they needed a drummer, so learning songs and whatnot has taken up some time; unfortunately it's been the free time I often use to write. Anyways, so the twins would be about 8 months old at this point. And Trixies like... 10 idk. I believe it's July. -in the story, it's definitely August now- I really like this chapter, but mostly for it's commical aspects, I probably had the most fun writing this one so far.

*Seven months later*

"Detective, we've been working on this case together for weeks. You can't expect me to stay home when we finally have a lead," Lucifer complained, his lower lip jutting out in an adorable pout.

Chloe shook her head to clear the thought, they didn't have time for that. The babysitter had canceled at the last minute and Chloe had asked Lucifer to stay home with the twins and Trixie, after Ella had called her with a lead.

"Please Lucifer, it's just until noon, then Dan can watch them. He and Chris are just finishing up then he's done for the day," Chloe pleaded.

Lucifer sighed, his shoulders slumping marginally on the exhale. "Fine. But only because I know I'll be joining you later."

She rolled her eyes. "Be good, and get Trixie up before ten, please."

"Of course. And the little rascals need to be up by...?"

"Get them up now, or they won't go down for a nap when Dan comes. Thank you so much, Lucifer really. I know this is a lot to ask." She kissed him as she grabbed her coat.

Lucifer felt butterflies for what must have been the millionth time when her soft lips met his. "They're my spawn, Detective. It's not like you're asking me to hang out in a preschool," he shivers in disgust.

"Goodbye," she laughed, shaking her head as she ventured out the door.

She may have withheld the truth from Lucifer a little. She took a left out of their driveway, the opposite direction of the precinct, towards the penthouse. She had a funny feeling in her stomach that she couldn't seem to quite shake. Two days ago, she had seen Lucifer watching her on her lunch break at the diner down the street from the station. Lucifer had told her that he had to go to LUX to iron out a few details for the long weekend- the fourth of July was one of LUX's biggest nights of the year, and things needed to run perfectly. When She had asked him if he had been by the precinct at all that day, he'd denied ever being anywhere but LUX and home.

Chloe entered the building through the golden double doors, to be greeted with Patrick on the other side of the bar, rearranging the bottles on the shelf. "Detective-" he greets with a grin. "The boss just went upstairs, if you're looking for him," he told her as he turned to face her.

Chloe frowned, her brows knitting in confusion. "That's not possible, I just left him at home not even twenty minutes ago." Well, it was possible, he had wings. But he wouldn't leave the twins unattended. Of course Trixie was there was well, but-

"Um... I'm sorry," Patrick began to say, pulling her from her thoughts. "I thought Mr. Morningstar has been staying here for the last week. He said you two had some sort of argument?"

Chloe's face pales. She'd never kick Lucifer out of his own home over a petty disagreement. They hadn't fought about anything in months- but it hurt to think that Patrick wouldn't question Lucifer's sudden presence at LUX.

"Detective Decker?" He waved his hand in front of her face. "Are you okay?"

Her mouth felt dry, like someone had sucked out all of the moisture then force-fed cotton balls to her. Lucifer obviously hadn't been staying here all week, as he had been at home, in bed, with her every night this week, and the last. There had been one night a few weeks ago where there had been an emergency at LUX and he had to spend the night, but that had been it. She glanced tentatively at the elevator. "Patrick," she said quietly. "Lucifer has been home every night this week. We haven't been fighting." She breathed through her nose. Either Michael was here, using the penthouse as some sort of safe house, and had wandered off during the day when Lucifer had been there, or Lucifer legitimately thought they were fighting and Micheal has been sharing their bed with her the last several nights. The thought of him near their children this entire time sent a surge of rage coursing through her veins. She couldn't let herself think of the latter, but she had to find out- now.

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