Chapter 8- Operation Baby-Mama

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 Chloe tapped her pen impatiently. She had been looking through the Maternity Killer case files for the majority of the morning. She had scrounged up everything they had in the lab, but something wasn't sitting right with her. Maybe it was because there were never any witnesses and the killer was able to wipe any evidence they had they may have found from the scene, every time. She was beginning to see why Dan had passed this case on to her. It was probably going to go cold. She would spend the rest of her pregnancy working from a desk and this case would never be solved. She grit her teeth. If only there was another murder.

Her head perked up as she thought of an idea. She frowned slightly, glancing at Chris who looked like he was falling asleep as he sipped his coffee. She would need to get everyone on board. She could probably convince Chris, Ella, maybe Dan. The lieutenant might not go for it. She sighed, burying her head in her arms on her desk. Lucifer would never let it happen, she could hear his argument now. 'Nope, absolutely not, Detective. You're nearly eight months pregnant and it just isn't safe. There has to be another way.'

Come to think about it, She hadn't seen Lucifer all morning. He wasn't there when she woke up. She assumed maybe he was having some sort of breakdown and rushed to Linda's early. Or maybe he had found out more about Michael and went to talk to Amenadiel. She pushed herself back from her desk in frustration.

"You good, Decker?" Chris glanced up from the police report he was reading from the last murder. He set his coffee down, turning his chair to face her desk.

Chloe massaged her temples. "Long night," she grumbled.

"Yeah, about that..." He glanced down at her arms, covered by her brown jacket. "Are you okay? Where is Lucifer anyways?"

"I don't know." She lulled her head to look at him. "Lucifer's one of the good ones Chris, don't freak out about this."

"Um, hello?" He gestured to her folded arms angrily. "Lucifer-" She took a breath through her nose, then spoke quietly. "Lucifer didn't do this. You saw him. That wasn't him." She gulped some more air, "He would never do anything to hurt me."

"He let his own brother kill himself!" He whispered.

Chloe pinched the bridge of her nose. "Michael is fine."

"How do you know that?" He leaned closer to her. "I have a bad feeling. I know you say you know him, But what if you don't. How long did you guys even know each other before he knocked you up. Were you even together?"

"Okay," Chloe said loudly as she pushed herself up. "You are way out of line. My private life is none of your concern." Half of the precinct was staring. Wonderful. She swallowed. "You don't think I hear what people say? First Dan, now Lucifer. 'He's not even a cop!' "I doubt he's committed, probably fucking girls on the side.'" She quoted just a couple of the many whispers she had heard.

Chris was leaning away from her, surprised. He wasn't trying to overstep. He was just concerned, he cared about her after all. She was Ella's best friend and his partner. Lucifer seemed like a ticking time bomb and he was just trying to look out for her. "Chloe I didn't mean- I would never say anything like that, I-"

Chloe cut him off, "Really?" She felt her throat burn, she was so angry she felt as though she might cry. "Then why did you agree with Officer Jenson when he said that 'The kids' probably aren't even Lucifer's?'" She felt everyone's eyes on her as Chris gaped in shock. "Why did you say you would take a turn if you weren't with Ella?"

"I'm sorry I-" Chris stammered an apology. Chris had just been trying to fit in Not alot of the cops here seemed to like Chloe a whole lot; but he did and he felt stupid for participating in the gossip. He had only wanted to fit in.

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