Chapter 21- Burn Baby Burn

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A/N: I know I left y'all on a bit of a cliffhanger. Sorry about that. Please enjoy the aftermath. Also I'm pretty sure I re-wrote the last chapter entirely before posting it so I apologize if the continuity is strange. I originally wasn't going to send Chloe home half was through the chapter, so I needed to find a way to get Chloe back to the precinct for this chapter. What I moron I can be.

Chloe gasped, pain radiating through her shoulder, chest and right arm. She felt heat rising up in her stomach, spreading throughout the entirety of her body. She felt like she was on fire. She screamed in agony as the burning sensation intensified. Blood seeped through her shirt from the wound, she brought her hand to her shoulder to apply pressure as Dan and several officers rushed to her side. She sank to her knees, feeling woozy as they surrounded her.


"Somebody call an ambulance!"

"Where's Lucifer?"

"He left!"

"Well somebody fucking call him!"

She can't tell who's speaking when, but she tried to focus on Dan's voice, as they mudde into each other around her. The bright fluorescent lights were hurting her eyes, seemingly shining ten times brighter than normal. Dan reached to touch her, only to jump back, hissing in pain.

"Clo, you're hot. Like your skin literally feels like fire!"

She tried to focus her eyes, but her vision was that of a gaussian blur. The fire continued to rage inside of her. She felt hands move under her to lift her, only to immediately let go.

"What the hell?"

It was then that something occurred to Chloe. "You can't touch me," she tried to say. "I'll burn you, I'm sorry, she's just trying to protect me." She wasn't sure if her sentence was actually as coherent as she would have liked, but she was hoping that no one else would try to move her and get hurt.

"Damn it, did somebody call Lucifer?" Dan snapped.

Chloe groaned, curling into a ball. Her hand falling from her shoulder. Lucifer was picking up the kids, she didn't want them to bother him. She was fine damnit.

"Damnit, Chloe keep the pressure!" Dan shouted, sounding as though he was crying. "Wait, it's gone. Your- there's no wound." A beat passed. "Oh thank God, the bleeding stopped.

Chloe's eyes fluttered open, she smiled up at Dan. "I'm sorry," was all she managed, to croak before closing her eyes again and falling into the peaceful darkness.


At first there was nothing. Total darkness. Until she was met with a blinding white light. She squinted, shielding her eyes with her arm as the light moved closer.

"Hello, my child," a deep voice spoke.

Slowly, the light faded away. "God?" Chloe asked in surprise.

"My dear Chloe, How have you been? It's been awhile. I've been meaning to come visit you, Lucifer and my grandchildren."

"I um, I'm fine," she said nervously. "Am I... am I dead?
He chuckled as he shook his head. "No, you are very much alive. Lucifer made it to the precinct and he was able to move you. You're just resting. I thought I'd take this opportunity to say hi."

"Oh, well that's a relief," she huffed. Then she thought of something. "God, why couldn't anyone move me? Why am I burning people?"

He gave her a kind smile. "The child you carry seems to be able to sense your stress levels. They are only protecting you."

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