« n- what are you doing in my house !!?

ki- isn't Law's

n- no, he sleeps at mines

ki- ohh, that's why he left.. for a girl

n- no, but you didn't answer

ki- we drank a bit for his birthday

n- so you friends again ?

ki- who said we weren't ?

n- just a hinch... can you please dress

ki- why ? You're intimidated ?

n- no, it's just called decency

ki- don't know what it is

n- I can see that.. ».

She sat back and took her tea. Kidd leaned on the other side of the table and stared at her.

« n- what ?

kidd- you ain't Law's girlfriend ?

n- no, why ?

kidd- surprising he didn't put a joker on you

n- what a misogynist phrase, what does that even mean ?

kidd- if I slept at a girl's house, with boobs like yours, I would try something

n- *disgusted look*

kidd- or maybe he tried ?

n- no, thank God

kidd- why ? 

n- not interested 

kidd- in guys? why? they don't ask you out?

n- they do, I just don't go

kidd- why not?

n- ... first of all, I'm in a relationship

kidd- makes sense ».

He walked out of the kitchen, Nami supposed it was to dress, but he came back only wearing a boxer, and rolling a joint. He sat in front of her and kept rolling. She looked at him, confused.

« n- aren't going home at some point ?

ki- won't leave without seeing Law, that's impolite

n- something in me thought it might not disturb you

ki- you don't like me uh ?

n- not especially

ki- why ? We don't even know each others

n- true, but Law started smoking because of you and Zoro don't like you so

ki- *chuckles* Zoro ? You know him ?

n- can say that

ki- dumbass dude, can't stand him

n- why ?

ki- he's just so condescending

n- Zoro ?!

ki- yeah, like 'I'm so mysterious, everybody loves me' kind of dude, no thanks

n- mmh.. I don't see things the same way

ki- of course, women loves him, so predictable

n- jealous ?

ki- no, no need to complain, trust me

n- guess you're likable in your own way

ki- don't you think I'm likable ?

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