"Jungkook. Mind your language." Mina reprimands him and he pouts.

"Ow!" Danielle squeals in pain throwing daggers at Jungkook with her sharp ocean blue eyes who just kicked her shin under the dinner table. "That hurts you dumb fuck."

"MOM DANI IS SWEARING- AHHH!! Ouch what was that for?" Jungkook rubs the back of his head which his mother just slapped upside. "She's the one who cussed at me and I'm getting hit?"

Danielle laughs and pokes her tongue out at Jungkook who's pouting hard like a little baby.

"She's my little daughter and you started it." Mina stands up for Danielle again like all the other days something like this happens.

"Little daughter my left foot. I guess she didn't tell you she has a boyfriend."

"Kookie what the hell. Mom. He's lying. I don't-

"I know about Jimin Dani, you sneaky little liar." Jungkook wiggles his brows after exposing his sister infront of their parents.

"Awww my daughter has a boyfriend." Mina coos and hugs her little girl. "Why didn't you tell mommy? At one point I didn't think you like boys." She kisses her cheeks and hugs her again.

"Mom you're suffocating me." Danielle replies in a muffled voice on her mom's chest.

"Sorry baby. I'm happy for you. Now who's this Jimin I'm just hearing about?" She smiles dearly at her daughter.


"That's not how you reacted to me when I brought Claire home to meet you." Jungkook rolls his eyes at his mother and folds his hands infront of his chest acting all childish for a 17years old.

"She's my baby girl okay and I reacted fine what do you mean?" She squits her eyes at Jungkook knowing damn well she didn't like the girl.

"Dad back me up." Jungkook faces his dad for support. Boys against girls in this household.

"Mina honey you know very well you-

"Shhh!! You're my husband you're supposed to be on my side." She shushed Jin who was about to back Jungkook up and who's Jin not to zip his lips up. Lol.

"Wow. This woman is literally my number one hater." Jungkook jokes glaring at his mother.

"Shut up before I beat yo ass with my slipper." She draws out making Dani and Jin laugh at Jungkook's sudden expression. His lips tucked inside his mouth to stop any comments from flowing out.

"Dad am I adopted?" Jin chokes on his juice at the question Jungkook just blurted out.

"Oh My God! I'm adopted." Jungkook goes on with his mouth hanging open.

"You're fuckin dramatic you know. I did not push out that big head out of my vagina for this ungrateful swine."


Both Danielle and Jungkook screamed at her at the same time with their hands covering their ears. Jin on the other hands is dying of laughter at he head of the table. Only his windshield screen wiper laughter cracks through the dining room.

"Honey I think you just scarred our babies for life." He manages to throw in a comment in-between his fit of laghter.

"Yes, tell her Daddy. I even lost my appetite." Dani grimaces at her mother. She definitely did not need that picture in her head right before dinner.

"I'm gonna back to my room." Jungkook attempts to get up.

"Sit your ass down young man." Mina warns him with a knife pointed at him. He takes a very quick sit and feels the effects right on his butt.

"Jagiya, stop scaring my babies. You always tell them to mind their language also." Jin chimes in and goes over to his wife. Only he can get her out of her moods. He hugs her from behind as she goes back to stirring the chicken stew pot one last time and switching off the stove.

"I love you baby." He kisses his wife's cheek and neck making her giggle.

"I love you too honey. And I love our pecious little bunnies also." She turns kisses her husband on the lips. The kids watch in adoration as their parents express their love to each other like every other day.

They're happy to see their parents happy. A happy home full of jokes, love and affection for one another.

A beautiful lovestory and a happy home for all of them.

Is it for everyone though?

That's it for chapter one my loves

I know it's not that exciting and literally doesn't hold much but it's the first chapter and I didn't know how to start but I tried to give my babies something.

The best is yet to come...

I hope you liked it and thank you for reading

If you made it here, press that little start button for me and leave a comment on how this chapter was..

Happy Jimin Day Babies....🥰🥺

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2023 ⏰

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