She raised her eyebrows, "How could I forget?" She cleared her throat, "Rule number 72: Never ever let a man..." She looked at me.

"Or a woman."

"Come between us. Period." She did the 'X' motion across her chest.

I copied her, "Boom." I quickly took her hands in mine, "Nothing will ever come between us, Syd. You're like, my literal sister. I love you too much to ever lose this."

She looked away and sniffled. Then she looked back at me, "I love you, Nattie."

I pulled her into a hug.

She started crying on my shoulder and I just rubbed her back.

She sniffled hard, "Sorry." She pulled away, and offered me a smile, "I'm on my period."

I groaned, "Great. You know ours always sync up."

She nodded and wiped her eye on the bottom of her shirt, "Good luck with that." She looked outside, "Wanna sit on the hood?"

"It's cold?"

She pointed to the back seat, "You know I keep Gertie in the car with a couple of heaters this time of year."

I turned around and sure enough, her portable heater sat in her back seat. It's solar powered and made for camping in extreme weather. Syd bought her for Tucker Kent's cabin parties last year.

"Of course."

10 minutes later, we were sitting on her hood, Gertie turned on her highest setting on the ground in front of us, and a large woolen blanket around our shoulders.

"I hate September." Sydney leaned on my shoulder as we looked at the lake, "I hate Minnesota."

"That's why you're moving to South Carolina after we graduate."

She pinched my arm, "I'm going to The Citadel. Not just going to South Carolina."

"I'm sorry I put it that way. You know how proud of you I am." I fought back my laugh, "And how happy your dad was when he accidentally opened your acceptance letter."

"Oh shut up." She sighed, "Can you stop avoiding it and tell me what the hell is going on with you and Scarlett Santoro?"

"Nothing is going on." I shrugged.

She practically growled as she sat up, "Tell me. Or I am getting in my car and driving you into the lake."

I rolled my eyes, "Scarlett and I..." I looked away and fought my blush, "We're hanging out."

"Natalie Wilson."

I looked down at my hands, "What do you want me to say?"

She put her hand on top of mine, "Take your time, dude. You know I know you. You know I don't judge. Take your time."

I nodded and looked up at her, "You know I've liked her."

She nodded.

"You know she hit me in the face with a locker and drove me home."


"What else do you know?"

She shrugged, "You two have been hanging out. She's totally in love with you though. I know that much."

"Sydney! Scarlett Santoro is not in love with me!"

"She so is though! She stares at you in every class. She eats lunch with us now! And I know she has you wrapped around her finger. She could think of your name and you'd go running to her side. I know that she makes you happy. But that's it."

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