"Me and your mother here are gonna go to the Ninjago City, a client asked for our help on fixing their broken van" Ed said

"Woah! Can we come?" Jay asked in excitement at the thought of visiting the city and watching his parents do their job

Edna and Ed look at each other, silently having a conversation

Edna Walker is an elderly woman. Her hair, a light brown color, was pulled back into a tight bun at the nape of her neck, and a few stray strands framed her round face with wrinkles. She wore a pair of red-rimmed glasses that accentuated her eyes, giving them a kind and motherly look. Her brown eyes are full of love and kindness

Ed Walker An elderly gentleman with a mop of gray hair. His hair was thick and tidy that reaches his nape. His face was lined with wrinkles and age spots, and his eyes are full of warmth

Irene took this opportunity to observe her foster parents, the innocent childlike light in her eyes dimmed, she looked at the clothes her parents wore and how their body postures moved. From her observation, it's highly possible that the parents may bring them to the city, however as much as Irene wants to explore the world she got reincarnated in, she has many things to do

Before her parents could open their mouth to agree

"I'll stay here...I don't want our junkyard to be unguarded" Irene spoke as she sent a smile at her older brother direction

"But I'm sure big brother would love to go with you mom, dad. You don't have to worry about me"

Jay furrowed his eyebrows in concern, then he look down at the ground, having a battle with his thoughts

"If Irene doesn't want to go then I'll stay with her" Jay decided as he spoke with determination. Irene's eye widened at his declaration

"What? No, I know you love going to the city and finding new inspiration for your invention, you don't have to stay with me! I'm fine with my own!" Irene pouted as she tugged on her older brother sleeves

"But I don't want to leave you..." Jay whined as he and Irene started having a small sibling argument

Ed and Edna can only smile in fondness at the action of their adopted children, the couple know that the two would be inseparable especially when the older brother grew up overprotective and the little sister grew up doing reckless things or do something that couldn't be explained that even the couple themselves couldn't understand

There was this one time when Irene talked to thin air when she was 3

There is this one time that she found poured a dark green liquid at a metal and it turn into a caterpillar, Jay almost fainted from what he witness

There is this one time when she suddenly sings a majestic song with a beautiful breathtaking voice that almost caused them to fall asleep in the middle of fixing the boasters of a jet, it almost explode, thankfully Irene were able to fix it since she had experience

There is this one time when Irene said she's gonna show them a trick then she pulled a head of a crow from it's body then play with it until she put it back with the bird miraculously still alive, Jay fainted from seeing the head out

And there is this one time when they left Irene alone in the junkyard when she was 9. They came back facing a traveler who got injured from an accident with Irene taking care of him

Turns out the traveler was a famous tourist, and because of the help of Irene, the tourist made a journalist for appreciation about the junkyard causing them to become popular that they busied themselves for a year

By the end they didn't have trouble regarding financial problems and we're able to provide all the needs in the household and themselves for years to come

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