Chapter 50: Trip(part 2)

Start from the beginning

"Oh my gosh..." you mumbled, as the flush on your face didn't disappear.


Meanwhile with Bakugo...

Bakugo was sitting on his bed, as he covered his mouth with his right hand.
'Fuck it...'
He thought, as the blush creeped up to his neck, then to his face.
You both couldn't sleep well that night.


You woke up, and saw the time.
You yawned, and stood up from your bed.
But then, the scene from yesterday slipped past your mind, as you blushed.
'Get a grip, Y/n.'
You slapped your cheeks with your palms, deciding not to think about it anymore.
You had other places you wanted, and was planning to go with him, and it couldn't be awkward.
'I hope he doesn't think about it anymore too..'

You sat back down on the bed, scratching your neck since you actually couldn't just forget about it.

You heard a sudden banging on your door.
"Wake the fuck up." Bakugo called from outside.
He sounded normal.
You guessed he was trying not to think about it too, or maybe he didn't even care.

'I guess it's good for me?'
You thought as you stretched your arms and legs, and walked into the bathroom that was inside your room.

Somehow you felt weird feeling, a bit disappointed.

You brushed your teeth and washed, changing into some casual clothes, and went out.

"Took you long enough. Where are we going today?" Bakugo said.
He was already waiting, leaning on the wall while looking at his phone.

"You should take your things with you. We're leaving." You said, as you hung your backpack on your shoulder.

As you walked out the hotel, you took a last photo of the city.


"Why the hell are we taking a plane again?"
Bakugo asked, as you entered the airport.

"I said that we're leaving." You said.

"So, we're going back to Japan?"

"No, the travel isn't over yet." You turned over to him, facing him, and smirked.

You turned back around and started walking, but then something popped in your mind.

"Oh right... didn't you say that you didn't like cold weather?" You asked Bakugo, with a hint  of disappointment in your voice.

Bakugo looked at your disappointed expression, and sighed.
"I don't care. Just tell me where we're going."
He said, as your face brightened.

"Norway. We're going to watch the aurora."
You said.
"So... we have about 3 hours before the flight,
so we can go buy some winter clothes to wear." You said, looking at your wristwatch.

" You said, looking at your wristwatch

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