53. Training Begins

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Wuxian and Wangji were standing at the end of a long corridor. Baoshan stood in front of them and behind her were two large doors, "Beyond these doors you two will be starting your training. It's called the Dimensional Room of Elementals. You two will be working together through different phases to fight off figures made of different elements.

There are many elements which you will be focusing on seven. The first is Earth. The second is Water, then we have air, fire, light, darkness, and spirit. You will understand more when you start facing them. Between each set of elements you will have an hour break. The environment will always be changing. After your first session through, the simulation will end and you two can rest and then we will have you run through it again."

Wangji and Wuxian were surprised by the amount of fighting they will have to do, "will we have enough energy to fight all this?" Wuxian asked.

"Aside from fighting, it will teach you two basic skills such as trust, concentration, discipline, patience, communication, and energy management. There is more to it but that is for you two to learn. Learn to manage everything and learn to work together. You two are already married and bonded with the deepest bond you can ever have. Learn it. Now comes the time where you have to learn to handle each other in stressful situations such as fighting," Baoshan explained.

"This is going to be a big challenge," Wuxian said and looked at Wangji, "are you ready?"

"I am, are you?" Wangji asked.

"I am," Wuxian replied, "we can get through this."

Wangji nodded and the two entered the room. It was quiet and eerie. The room was large and had a huge concrete platform in the center. Almost set up like a battle arena. Once the two stood in the center, the room began to shift and change. It soon turned into a forested area, but the platform in the middle was still there. Wuxian had his Guqin on his back, his flute at his waist, his fans up his sleeves, and his sword in his hand. Wangji was the same, minus the flute.

"I'm guessing earth is first or do you think they will have multiple elements in one phase?" Wuxian asked.

"Not sure, but keep yourself focused. Remember what I taught you," Wangji advised.

"I know," Wuxian said, "I will always remember your teachings."

"Good boy," Wangji said.

Soon enough, figures started to appear. Figures built of stone and wood. There was at least three to start with, but as Wuxian and Wangji took them out, more began to emerge. Gusts of wind formed and leaves turned to warriors. The two got smart and let their swords clash and with a current pressure and angle, sparks emitted and were directed towards the leaves.

Wangji knew how to manage his energy levels and know how much he needed for each enemy attack. Wuxian was still learning how to manage that. He was immortal but after three hours he could feel his body aching and his energy being pushed to its limit. Wuxian didn't say anything as he didn't want to let Wangji down and have him worry.

By the time they reached the last phase, Wuxian was exhausted but he kept going. Wangji was still doing well at reserving his energy and at every hour during their break, he would meditate to let some of it replenish. Wuxian would meditate but he wasn't as successful in replenishing his energy as Wangji was.

"Wei Ying, you look exhausted," Wangji said, "let me handle the rest from here and you can meditate for a moment to gather some energy."

"I am fine," Wuxian said, "we have just a little bit more to go."

Wangji knows that Wuxian can be stubborn at times, especially when it comes to his health. Since this was the last phase, Wangji used the stored energy to fight a bit harder to help keep most of the fight away from Wuxian. Wuxian began to pick up on it and he began to get angry.

"Lan Zhan, enough," Wuxian said, "I am fine."

"No you are not, you look like you are about to collapse," Wangji said, "you have to learn to manage your energy consumption."

"I know!" Wuxian yelled.

Wangji hasn't seen Wuxian ever direct his anger out at him before, "hey, try to relax and calm down. I do not mean to anger you."

Wuxian growled and began to fight again. He put his sword away and took out his guqin. Wuxian took out some figures just from chord assassination. His anger was driving his fighting again. Just like how he killed that fox demon, he let his emotions consume him. Wangji noticed that and actually got a bit annoyed that his husband was acting this way. The whole point of this training was to learn how to manage energy levels and learn how to rely on each other. They were to learn how to communicate effectively during stressful situations and battles.

After a little while, Wuxian's anger affected his fighting. Wangji had never seen something like it before. Wuxian used chord assassination but as the burst of energy shot from the guqin, flames emitted as well. Wuxian included an element within a sacred Gusu fighting technique. Wangji didn't know how to take it. He was impressed to see such a feat but he was worried that Wuxian's anger was actually causing more of his energy to deplete.

"Wei Ying, you need to calm down," Wangji told him, "we need to work together in this."

"Shut up!" Wuxian yelled as he put his guqin away. He then pulled out his fans, "I do not want to hear it."

"Wei Ying!" Wangji yelled back angrily, "do not tell me, your husband, to shut up. I am worried about you, that is why I am trying to calm you down."

Without warning Wuxian's anger actually caused him to direct an attack at Wangji. Wangji was so surprised by the sudden reaction. Just as the wind threw Wangji across the platform several feet, Wuxian's rage quenched and he suddenly began to panic. He just attacked his husband out of frustration and anger. He was clouded and he took it out on Wangji. Wangji even spit up some blood from that sudden blow.

"Lan Zhan...I am so sorry," Wuxian said.

Lan Wangji stood up and growled, "you need to learn control! Your emotions drove you to attack me. You worried about hurting me because of a situation like this, well congratulations, you succeeded. This training session is over. Please stay away from me for the time being," Wangji told him and stormed out of the training room.

Wuxian collapsed to ground and balled up. He felt terrible as he never felt had such rage before. He hurt his husband and he promised he would never do that. Wuxian stayed there for a good few hours just crying. He cried himself to exhaustion and passed out.

Baoshan was in her room and had a large mirror that showed her the who thing. She watched their training from a distance. She had a feeling that something like this would happen during their training and it was something that needed to happen. It was a learning experience for the two and it was also something they needed to learn to talking better and find a solution.

Though, seeing her grandson through the mirror, her heart ached. She knew why his emotions were always clouding his judgment, as it was a dragon thing. As Wuxian had blood of a dragon, even for majestic creatures, they had a temper. It took a long time for Wei Changze to control his emotions as he was fighting. Luckily, Baoshan was not going to let that happen. She needed to check on the two.

"Yanli?" Baoshan asked as she left her room.

"What can I do for you?" She asked.

"Can you go to that training room their and speak with Wuxian?" Baoshan asked her. She explained the situation to Yanli and she was happy to help. While Yanli went to go speak with Wuxian, Baoshan was going to go check on Wangji, especially since he is as injured. Baoshan wanted to try to talk this out with Wangji too. Baoshan knows that Wangji was a reasonable person and will listen to her.


Just so you know, I had him use it once within the entire story but Wuxian does have a Guqin named Wei Ji (Guqin) which means opportunities often arise from crisis. It also has a combination of his and Wangji's names in a way. In this chapter (and more to come hopefully) I thought I'd have him bring it out again.

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