Chapter 19: Maid's Duty

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Mikayla had always had a crush on her master, Leopold, since she met him at a young age. Her family had always worked for the Stratus Household and she never expected that anything amazing would ever happen. It was just a normal job her family worked to get some food and shelter for as long as they lived. Nothing more...

But then, Leopold showed up at the age of eight years old. His eyes were completely destroyed, he had lost his right hand, and his body was battered and bruised. Mikayla's mother didn't think that he would be able to make it though this tragedy. It was only through the bright mind of John Stratus and some of the things the Stratus household had collected over many generations that Leopold made it out in one piece.

"Well I guess that I'm part of the Stratus family..." he said when he first met Mikayla. "What's your name, miss?"

"Mikayla, sir." she politely replied. "I am a maid of your household and upon Mr. Stratus's wishes your personal maid as of now."

"Sweet." he said. "So then you'll kind of me like my wife helping me out then?"

"Pardon?" Mikayla cried in surprise. What was this boy trying to do here? Five seconds into knowing Mikayla and he was already flirting with her like this?! "Sir, are you perhaps tired?"

"Nah." he replied. "My eyes kind of hurt considering it will take some time to get used to them." He looked at his hand. "And this new hand is kind of strange, but other than that I'm great!"

"I see..." Mikayla observed, seeing as this boy was clueless as to what she was implying. "Well is there anything that you would like for me to do for you, Master Leopold?"

"You could knock off the master stuff." he suggested. "I'm not a huge fan of that stuff. If we're going to be a married in the future, than at least call me honey, sweetie, or Leopold at minimum."

Mikayla blinked. "That... may be a bit hard." Seriously! Just what was this handsome, perfect boy trying to do here? Did he seriously want to get married to someone had had only just met?

"Well could you actually get me a bowl of soup and a spoon?" he requested. Finally! A reasonable request from prince charming! "So that I can feed you!"

"Nope! This man will never give me a reasonable request..."

Soon after, for whatever reason,  she started to develop feelings for Leopold Stratus. His manner of speech, face, personality, charm, skills, and other things had drawn her in. Which was bad because she was only a maid and he was her master!"

And now she was joining the same academy as Leopold based on his fathers wishes. Apparently, someone of class 1-C had dropped out after the tournament and Mikayla was going to fill their spot. "Why is Master John trying to set me up with him? Like father like son I guess..."

As she thought, the faint outline of Leopold was caught out of the corner of her eye. He was still in nighttime clothes, signaling that he'd just woken up, but looked as if he'd been awake for hours with the shocked face he was wearing.

Mikayla waved to him. "Hello! Over here, Leopold!" 

Leopold walked over to Mikayla, scratching his head, and stopped in front of her. "Well this is a pleasant surprise, Mikayla. Just what are you doing here?"

"Your father sent me to replace someone from class 1-C so I could serve you here at the academy." she explained. "It's wonderful to see you, Leopold."

"At least you've knocked off the master stuff..." he observed. "But... why are you still in your maid's uniform, Mikayla?"

She smiled. "I haven't received my uniform from the school as of yet, so Master John and I agreed that it would be best for me to come in my maid's uniform."

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