Chapter 11: Real Opponent

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Ceil and Leopold were yet again in the cafeteria as Ceil was bragging about another victory for Leopold. "And then you were like 'knife attack'! And then the thorns came at you, but you just shook them off like 'I got this'! And then you went 'BOOM' and won like yeah!" Ceil explanation was... interesting.

"It wasn't as easy as it seemed, Ceil." Leopold shyly protested. "Anyway, do you know which battle is going on right now?"

Ceil nodded and gave him a list of the leftover fighters.

Bracket A

Leopold Stratus vs Zion White(Winner fights Lilia Dragoness in final match)

Bracket B

Cinder Kushida vs Breeze Kushida(Winner fights Damion Wolfshine in final match)

Ceil pointed to the fight between Cinder and Breeze. "These two will fight before you and the winner will advance. Unfortunately for Breeze, she isn't quite as strong as Cinder..."

Leopold nodded. "Where would you rank her in power between all your siblings?"

Ceil put her hand on her chin and thought for a moment. "Hmm... I'd probably say she's actually the weakest of all of us siblings. Then there would be Lee who's the strongest... I'm still surprised he opted out of the last fight though."

Leopold raised an eyebrow. "I did see that someone named Leopold Kushida called forfeit in Zion's fight. Is that who you're talking about? And isn't he the guy you're trying to be as strong as?"

"Yeah, that's him..." Ceil admitted. "None of me or my siblings have ever beaten him..." 

"Wow that's scary..." Leopold commented. He looked back at the battles and sighed. "We'll be had better bet to the arena then... My battle is coming up here shortly." He got up from his chair and put Ceil on his back. "Ceil, remind me why I have to carry you on my back?" 

Ceil laughed. "Cuz it's fun!"

The two walked to the arena and started to head the cheers of the crowd. Leopold thought for a moment. "My battle is just on the horizon... I never actually got to see Zion really fight, so I wonder what he's like in a fight..."

"You worried, Leo?" Ceil asked from on his back.

Leopold shook his head. "No, I'm just wondering how the rest of this is going to go..." He smiled. "Let's just go see how your sisters battle is going."

They walked into one of the sides and saw that the battle between Breeze and Cinder was still ongoing. Leopold saw the determination of the battle and remembered something. "This battle... It reminds me of the one between Miss Nix and your sister..."

Ceil nodded. "I was wondering that too." She got down from Leopold's back and watched with him. "Recently, Cinder and Breeze have been super determined to progress in this tournament..."

"Have any idea why?"

Ceil sighed. "No, I'm afraid not... Those two never tell me anything!"

Leopold laughed. "That's siblings for you."

Ceil tilted her head. "Leopold, do you have any siblings?"

Leopold shook his head. "No, not now. I used to, but after an accident my whole family and all my friends dead and I was left alone... Shortly after I was adopted by the current head of the Stratus household and that's how I'm here now..."

Ceil hugged Leopold tightly. "I'm so sorry I never knew! That must have been so hard for you..."

Leopold patted her head. "Don't worry, Ceil. That was long ago..." He smiled at the girl. "Hey, why don't we continue to watch your sisters battle! It's getting interesting now!" He was really trying to change the subject, but the battle was raging on surprisingly.

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