Chapter 4

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Welcome to Heartstone Trollmarket, again? :-

Toby along with Aaarrrgghhhh and Blinky went to the canals.There under the bridge they came to a stop Infront of a wall and Blinky took out a glowing yellow stone and it was dark at night and in his mind he saw that the yellow stone was used to carve out a doorway. Toby said to himself,"No way that is right."But to his utter surprise he was right." How?",he thought to himself.He saw crystal staircases lighting up and going deep underground.Going down the staircase I felt an odd familiarity as if I had traversed down these stairs a thousand times and I just kept telling myself that it's not possible for this is my first time here.We finally reached the market . Trolls of many sizes were around me and around my feet many tiny gnomes were running around me. Even though they looked cute I didn't dare approach them as if I felt they had some disturbing hidden features. Trolls were looking at me with disgust as if I was nasty vermin. Then I was saw an angry blind troll approaching towards us . He shouted,"Blinkus Galadrigal why have you brought a flesh bag in Heartstone Trollmarket?" Blinky replied,"Because he is the new trollhunter , Vendel." Vendel was astonished at this revelation and said," Show me your amulet flesh bag." Toby showed him the amulet.Vendel said," In all of history there has never been a human trollhunter." "Guess the amulet thought it is time for some changes.",said Toby. Vendel asked,"Why you? You possess none of the physical quirks necessary to become a warrior. You look more like a squishy blob that would make a great snack for a Gum-gum." Hearing this Toby should have felt greatly offended but he didn't as if he was used to this kind of behaviour from Vendel. Vendel said," Bring your human trollhunter to the hero's forge there we will see what the soothscryer has to say." This time Toby did feel surprised not by the statues,the arena or the vast auditorium but rather the feeling of familiarity with all this as if he had spent many hours training here with someone. Vendel pulled a lever and in the middle came out a black stone head with four red eyes and in the place where there should be a mouth was a perfect circle and inside it's mouth were circular rows of saw like teeth were spinning. Vendel said," Put your hand in the mouth fleshbag." Toby quietly complied preparing for the worst but nothing happens and Vendel was surprised. Vendel felt in his gut as if this is not the first time this has happened. Vendel said to Toby," Well, the soothscryer can wait and let's begin your training immediately for we must make certain that you at least last your first night trollhunting." From that night Toby's hellish training routine begins.

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