"Did you forget how you manhandled me? You are talking about the feelings?" I laughed cold and harsh. My voice is unrecognizable to my ears.
"You know nothing!!" I snarled my teeth baring.

"Then why in the bloody goddam hell are you washing the damn mattress?"
"Because this scene reminds me of my past."

"What past? Stop being the victim, Liliana." He spats in my face grabbing my hair.
Pain erupts on my scalp yet I don't fight for the escape. We stay nose to nose, eyes to eye not backing down, our breaths harsh, our souls bare ready to tear each other apart not leaving the warzone. 
I clasp at his bicep; my nails digging in this taut skin.

"I'm not trying to be the victim. I wanted to pay my respects so I visited her. I am eight years late. Do you even realise that? What wrong did I do?"

"You killed her."

"No. Yes, I was in that car eight years ago. Yes, I was driving. But I wasn't drunk. Your sister was!!! She was intoxicated. She wanted to drive. I warned her not to. She seized the wheel whirling the car halting it in the middle of the road. When I tried to take over it was too late. The truck coming from behind hit us. It was too fast. She died because it hit the passenger side. Her frantic actions made the car lose control. She died because it was her fault. Not mine. Get that in your thick skull. Stop blaming me." By the time I finish, I realise my throat hurts from yelling. My eyes glisten with unshed tears.

"You are not the only one who lost his sister Dominic. I lost a best friend too. You don't know what it's like to lose someone you love in front of you twice when you stay there incapable, alive and breathing. Maybe you know but have you ever watched it? Life leaving their bodies. You wish the doom was on you. You wish it was you who should have been dead instead of them. You wish bad for yourself. You wish you were not born at all." I slump against the counter whimpering.

Dominic doesn't say anything. He is staring at me with an indecipherable expression. 

"Why do you hate me?" I shout.
I ball my fist hitting his chest. "When you know the truth why?" I hit again.

Dominic stands there immobile nonchalant against my tantrum. He takes each blow resistant to my force. 

"Was it worth it? Was it worth claiming me with violence? I know we can't be like others. We both are not normal. There's a history dark and filled with brutality that has us bound. But the way you manhandled me was it inevitable?"  He continues to stay silent.

I grab his jaw in a savage grip my nails digging into his smooth skin however I know the pressure I impose is not adequate to hurt him.

"I deserve an answer, Dominic."

He releases my hand from his jaw. His darkened eyes have ebbed.

"I never thought of you as a virgin. It never crossed my mind that you could be one. I can't undo my actions. I'm many things but I'm not a rapist. But tonight," he shakes his head. "I'm sorry, I do realize a simple apology will not wash off my sins. Neither it will heal the wound I've cast. Fuck, I understand the damage I've done. I know I ruined you." He gulps, the Adam's apple bobbing in his throat. "As for the reason to hate you I had lost my sister, I wanted to itch the pain I felt onto someone."

"And I became your punching bag even when the driver gave his statement?"

He frowns.

"We never got the driver Liliana."

A chill passes down the length of my spine making me feel dizzy all of a sudden.


"It was concluded as hit and run. We never found the bastard who hit the car. So I thought your part of the story was invalid. I do trust you now. I want to."

"Why? You want to amend for your vengeance."

"No. For once, I want to let go of the past that have me bound."

He gazes at the mattress at the blood blotch. Then he looks down at my legs and lets go of me.

"Does my sight disgust you now?"

"I've never been disgusted by your sight." There's a small smile playing on his lips but it pained.
"I wanted you the moment I saw you. I never thought my need could annihilate you. I'm disgusted by myself, by my actions. I'm sorry for treating you inhumanly." His apology is sincere.

"Your confession doesn't change anything between us."

"I know."

"I have a condition when we have sex in the future."

His eyes widen. "After tonight, you want to have sex with me?"

"You rather I look for someone else?"

"Don't you dare."

"We both know we are attracted to each other. Physically? Yes. Emotionally? No."

"You should be disgusted by me."

"I'm not. Deep down I always knew how it would be."

"What's your condition?"

"You can have me however you want but when you are having me from the back my dress doesn't come undone."

Dominic nods.

"Although I'm not sure if I'll ever touch you again."

Tonight something shifted between us. The truth has come out. Although, everyone knew I somehow felt lighter. Turning I proceed to wash the mattress.
He leaves but halts at the door.


I look at him our eyes clashing in the mirror.

"I'm not going to ask for forgiveness because I don't deserve it. But if I do in the future then don't forgive me for tonight."

He gazes at me deeply before turning his back on me.

It was a small chapter. But one we all wanted.

You don't mess with The Queen. Dominic just witnessed the surface & Liliana is finding herself in this journey.

Do let me know how was the chapter in the comment section. I don't mind silent readers but it'll be fun if you guys interact more.

Not all the secrets and truths are out.
Wait for more until next time.
Love always

Tainted Vows: Book #1 In 'Til Death Do Us Part Duet A Mafia Romance 18+Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt