Chapter 6

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Hello, Kittens,
How are you'll doing?
I know I've been giving excuses. I'm sorry, it's just my health. But, nothing time will not heal. Everything heals with time. I need to be patient which I don't have 😅😅😅

Enough of my chats. I updated another chapter. It's Liliana *squeals*



I hate him.

Why does he have to be so crude? Does he have to be so egregious about the past?

Tears spring in my eyes, threatening to spill any moment. I breathe deeply scurrying inside the villa not bothering to glance back. I ignore the guards. Not that they will question or explore. They know better to question the Capo's daughter.

The adopted daughter. The daughter who have everything and want nothing.

Thank God, Mom and Dad are not here. Otherwise, I would have to face non-stop questions. The interrogations! Gio might be out clubbing and Angelo must have joined him. He told me so, he was heading to the club. Mom and Dad will be in their room watching old romance movies. Dad hates those sappy, clichè movies. Regardless, Mom being Mom often wins in the end.

I take two stairs at a time. Upon arriving the room I latch the door and dash towards the bathroom.

I need a shower. A long one. I need to forget the commotion arose between me and Dominic. The turmoil inside me intensifies with each second ticks by.

Without stripping the clothes off me I turn on the faucet. Warm water cascades over me. It simmers sending the calmness to my nerves.

Regardless, my emotions are all over the place. Eventually, the waterfall breaks. I break down, my legs giving out. I find myself perched on the cold bathroom tiles sobbing. The sobbing turns out to crying. I cry for his loss. I cry for mine. Angry tears fall on my cheeks withering into the water.

I should have acted courageously. I was thirteen, big enough to handle the consequences, though I didn't. I should have protected him from him. Back then, I should have searched for him. Maybe, he was still there, under the smoke-filled chaos. If I haven't been injured. All my fault. We could have escaped together. He and I would have been somewhere today. Safe and alive. I failed him.

I cry in guilt and remorse. I cry until my throat aches and there are no more tears left to run down. My sobs gradually die, I don't move. I don't think I have the strength in me. I stay still under the running water for a very long time.

I know what I did. I know I don't deserve mercy for my actions. Even if I said sorry for million times I cannot rewind the time and alter the past. No one could. The deed was done. Now, was the time to pay the price. To tell the truth, I've been paying the price all these years.

The hauntings. The whispers. The shadows lurking in the corridors, those beneath my bed. The most horrible ones prevailing inside my mind. They have been haunting me all these years. I know I won't be free from them. Moreover, Dominic's merciless deeds will operate as a cherry on top.

Now its Dominic's turn to ask and for me to give.

My hands were tainted long back in the blood of my own and my loved ones. I have espied the deaths of so many, I'm not afraid to die. That day I lost another piece of my heart.

My soul was tarnished when I turned 11. I was brought up here by Papa at 13. At 14 I lost her.
We all did.
Unhurriedly, I lost the people close to my heart. The beautiful souls who were precious to me. With them gone, I lost myself too.

Tainted Vows | Book 1 'Til Death Do Us Part Duet | Mafia Romance | 18+Where stories live. Discover now