"I heard when you first shifted you ran away and found a small spot where you could hide, is that right?" Hobi asked the pup in his arms.

Jungkook nodded his head yes, rubbing his cheek on the alpha's chest.

"Well I did the same thing. I found a janitor's closet that had the door open and I went inside to hide and figure out what to do next. Everyone was searching for me which just made the entire experience even more awkward. In some respects I was glad that I was sent to Seoul basically the next day because I wasn't sure how I'd ever face my classmates again, I was just so mortified."

"I immediately clicked with Namjoon and Yoongi which really helped a lot with my transition into the pack. I think my father was a bit worried about me because I goofed around so much as a kid, he was afraid it would be hard for me to develop the serious work ethic that was required to train as a member of the supreme pack. As a result he called me almost every day."

"It wasn't long before I discovered something. I really, and I mean really wish that I had paid better attention in school. There was so much that everyone around me just assumed that I knew that I had no idea about. I didn't really know the history of the supreme pack. I didn't really know anything about the elder council. I didn't know who was on it or what their job was. I didn't know about their relationship to the supreme pack. Every day I felt more and more lost since there was an assumption that I learned all of this in school. And to make it worse my father was a history teacher. He taught this stuff all day and here I was asking questions I thought were so stupid just trying to figure out the basics."

"I was only a few days before I was so ashamed by how little I knew that I decided to stop asking questions and just stay quiet, hoping I could figure things out as I went along. It was a good thing Namjoon was our leader because at least he seemed to have a good grasp on what was happening. I just hoped if I faded into the background enough I could slip by unnoticed."

"As you can imagine, that didn't really work that well. I kept messing up, sometimes in a way that just embarrassed me, but sometimes in ways that harmed the pack or that disrespected the elder council. Finally Namjoon confronted me about it."

"I felt like I had to tell him the truth, after all he is our head alpha. He deserved to know that I was totally lost. It was so humiliating to tell him the truth. I thought if he had the option he probably would have just kicked me out then and there."

"But you know what happened?"

Jungkook shook his head immediately, anxious to hear how things went from there.

"I felt better. I felt better after I told Namjoon and then Yoongi that I had no idea what I was doing. They both assured me that was the purpose of a pack. Each of us have strengths and weaknesses and they would be there to help me out. We were still so young but they took time every day to tutor me on the basics. I asked so many questions, oh pup, you wouldn't believe how many questions I asked. And as time went on I not only felt better I could tell I was becoming better. I was becoming more confident, I was slipping up less often, I was becoming the type of pack member that I would want to have."

"Then Jin came, then Taehyung and Jimin. Everything that Namjoon and Yoongi had invested in me I got to invest in them. I realized that there is no shame in needing help. To the contrary, it brings us closer together."

"Now you're here pup and we all get to do the same for you."

Jungkook pulled back just a little. "I know, but I'm just an omega and I honestly know almost nothing about the wolf community. I just have so much further to go then I'm sure you did. I don't want to be a burden."

"Little wolf", Hobi interrupted the omega, "listen to me please. There is absolutely nothing that we as your alphas want to do more than to help you grow and to support you. I know that is hard to understand right now but soon enough it will be clear. There is nothing more satisfying that I can imagine. I think the moon goddess made you the way you are and made us the way we are for a reason. It was no accident. I just want you to feel confident in who you are and know that it is ok to ask questions and learn. I know it may feel hard to believe but each of us had to learn too. We didn't start out as experts. We've been together for many years learning about each other and learning from the experience of others. You're only a few weeks in and you're already doing great."

"If there is one thing you should know it is this. You're doing great, little omega. Just perfect and I could not be more proud of you."

Jungkook was glad that his face was buried in the alpha's chest but he imagined Hobi could feel the warmth as the blood rushed to his cheeks. He wasn't quite convinced yet that he was doing so well but between the alpha's gentle words, his soothing voice, and the soft rubbing of his back he felt himself begin to relax. Ready to enjoy the alpha's warmth as he drifted off to sleep.

He had so much to think about, all of the alpha's stories were so surprising, some of them felt just like him. He realized he still had so much to learn about his alphas, about wolves, about being in any pack let alone the supreme pack. But for now he'd rest, there was always tomorrow to think more.

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