Little did Mia know that would be the last time her eyes would ever lay on Haylee's.

     A few days later, Haylee and her parents mysteriously vanished from the city, leaving no trace behind. It was as if they had disappeared from the face of the earth, leaving everyone puzzled and curious about their sudden departure. No one really knew where they had gone or why they had to leave so abruptly.

    On that fateful day, authorities arrived and arrested Mia's father, leaving her and her mom alone. The shock of seeing her husband being taken away falsely, caused her mother to have a heart attack. Unfortunately, the heart attack had lasting effects on the woman. It led to other heart issues, and they couldn't afford a transplant to improve her condition. Mia's mom struggled with her health. With Mia mom's health deteriorating, it fell upon young Mia to find a way to provide for them both. At just ten years old, she took on the challenge of hustling to ensure her mother had enough to eat and make ends meet.

Tragically, four years later, Mia's mother and father had passed away on the same day. Eliza heart couldn't bear the weight of her husband's death any longer, they killed him in prison that very morning. Ever since December 30th, 2019, it's been Mia against the world.

May 4th, 2030

The Oblivion

   As Mia, walked through her establishment, she gracefully glides through the dimly lit space. The club is enveloped in an enchanting ambiance, with the seductive red lights casting a sultry glow over the entire place. Mia's eyes sweep across the club, taking in every detail.

The black furniture, carefully chosen to exude elegance and sophistication, provides a striking contrast against the red backdrop. Plush black leather chairs and cozy couches are strategically placed throughout the club, offering luxurious seating options for the patrons to relax and indulge in the captivating performances.

     As Mia made her way through the club, she was greeted by the familiar faces of regular clients. With a warm smile and a nod of recognition, she acknowledges their presence, making them feel valued and appreciated. The air is filled with laughter, conversation, and music, creating a vibrant and lively atmosphere.

The stage, bathed in the captivating red glow, becomes the focal point of the club. Dancers showcase their artistry, captivating the audience with their mesmerizing moves and enticing performances. The energy in the room is palpable, as patrons cheer and applaud, fully immersed in the captivating world Mia has created.

Suddenly, Mia felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned around, and saw Leah, also known as Lola the stripper.

"Hey" Mia smiled.

"Heyy, I'll be there in 10." Leah said, returning the smile.

"I'll be waiting." Mia smirked before making her way to her office.

Just as Mia is about to reach her destination, she hears someone call her name. She turned around to see none other than Sean, an annoying regular patron who shows up every Wednesday and Saturday. Mia's gut instinct tells her that something about his energy is off and creepy.

Mia's dislike for Sean is no secret, she has been patiently waiting for him to make a wrong move, just so she can banish him from the club forever.

"Sean." Mia said clearly annoyed. "Can I help you?" She questioned.

"Tonight I'm in the mood for you know..." He trailed off but Mia knew exactly what he meant and she mentally mugged the man.

"There's a lot of woman, everywhere." Mia stated.

𝐓𝐨𝐨 𝐌𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐋𝐞𝐟𝐭 𝐔𝐧𝐭𝐨𝐥𝐝Where stories live. Discover now