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When Hana was 2 months old, we took her over to Korea. I'd had to apply for a passport for her so it had delayed us a bit.

We lived in Kibum's apartment and I decided to focus on her for the year. My sister, who had been clean for 6 months, offered to help out with the baby, so Kibum and I hired her. That also gave me the chance to go to language school in the evening to improve my Korean, as I knew I wasn't going back to the UK.

In time when I felt ready, I was able to find a job in information management at the British embassy. I enjoyed it a lot and I was really happy to still get to practice what I studied with Kibum's support.

We got legally married in the first year, and then had the ceremony a bit later. We'd settled into a good routine with Hana, so it came as a surprise to me when I realised I was pregnant again. I decided to tell him one night when we were in bed together.



"I think I'm pregnant again."

He opened his eyes, suddenly wide awake even though he'd been falling asleep.


"I'm pretty sure of it. I'll take a test tomorrow to confirm though."

"Then I'll be there with you."

We went out to buy the test together and I peed on the stick again like I'd done a year ago. Things were so different then: back then, I was unsure of everything. Now, however, I felt secure.

"Shall we turn it over?" said Kibum nervously. I nodded and he grabbed it, his expression changing instantly.

"Well, Hana is going to have a sibling."

We looked at each other and smiled. He put his arms around me and kissed me, and I could feel his excitement again. He was already such a good father to Hana, so I knew I didn't need to worry about this second child.

Everyone around us welcomed the news (although Taemin joked about how 'busy' Kibum and I seemed to be) and we decided to buy a house in the countryside just outside of Seoul for some more space, and so Kibum could live out his dream.

Ari was born soon afterwards, and my sister helped me with her too. She'd met a man named Jun, and after two years, she married him. We had a better relationship in Korea than we'd ever had in the UK, and I was so grateful for it.

When Ari was eventually diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome years later, Kibum was very supportive and pulled out all the stops to make sure both her and Hana could have good lives. They both turned out really well, and we're really proud of them.

I often think about what would have happened had Kibum not stopped me that fateful day. I'm forever grateful he did. In him I found a family, a home and a purpose, and most of all, true love. I really don't wish for anything else in life.


Author's Note: Thank you for reading this story if you got to the end. Let me know what you think and check out my Shinee One Shots book or my other Key fic 'I Wanna Be' if you want something else to read :)

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