Chapter 12

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I had done more than enough research about taking a flight, but I was still nervous as I made my way through the airport and onto the plane. It seemed that Kibum had booked business class, so I settled into a cosy looking space and looked out of the window as we took off. It actually wasn't a bad experience overall.

Who knew, I might be doing this more often to see Kibum. After all, if we were gonna last we'd have to make time for each other.

After falling asleep on the flight and finally touching down in Korea, I made my way out of the gate, looking expectantly for Kibum, spotting a man with a huge bouquet of flowers wearing a mask and the purple bucket hat I'd bought him.

"Baby!" I exclaimed as I practically jumped into his arms, making him chuckle. "I'm so happy to see you again!"

"So am I jagi. I missed you."

He took down his mask and we kissed briefly.

"Come, let's get your suitcase, the car is waiting outside."

Taking his hand, I followed him over to the baggage reclaim.

"These are beautiful Kibum." I beamed as I admired the flowers.

"I thought they might be a little too much." He scratched his head. "That's not all I got you though, but I'll give you the rest later."

He retrieved my suitcase and put it in the car, making sure to open the door for me and waited for me to strap up like a perfect gentleman. This was the first time I'd actually see him drive.

"So, back to your place?"

"Yes." He smiled. "You'll see, it has a nice view of the river Han."

"I'll get to meet your cute dogs."

He chuckled. "They've been looking forward to it."

I looked out at Seoul as he drove, the radio playing songs I'd never heard before. It all looked so lively and colourful, I was excited to see what Kibum had planned for us.

When he opened the door to his place, I was immediately greeted by two fluff balls.

"Hello you two," I cooed as I knelt down to greet them. "I've heard a lot about you."

Kibum smiled. "If you sit on the sofa they'll come sit on you."

I walked forward so he could get my stuff in, and then he showed me around his flat. It looked quite modern and fancy, with a cosy touch all the same. He wasn't joking about the river view: you could see it right below.

"I'll show you where you'll sleep."

He took me past his room into his guest room, which led on from it.

"You can put all your stuff here."

"Thank you."

I appreciated that he didn't just assume I'd sleep with him, even though we'd shared the same bed before.

"Are you hungry? I made some food."

"A bit, yes."

"I'll heat it up for you."

He went off to the kitchen as I laid out my stuff, feeling excited. This was my chance to see his world, to experience what he saw daily.

I came out into the living room and sat on the sofa, where Comme Des immediately jumped on me. Kibum's dogs were so adorable, I could see how they were good company for him.

We ate at his table, overlooking the river. He was more focused on watching me eat than actually eating though.

"What?" I giggled as I tried to chew.

"Nothing. I'm just really happy to see you."

"Aww. You know you're a cutie right?"

"I know." He smirked.

"Let me eat though." I laughed, and he put his hands up in mock surrender.

"Alright then."

After the meal, the two of us cuddled on the sofa together. I pressed my head into his chest, practically wanting to meld with him and hold him forever.

"I'm so glad you're here." I could practically hear the smile in his voice. "Words can't express how happy I am."

I looked up at him. "I'm happy too. It's always a good time when I get to see you in real life."

He stroked my arm. "I have so many things planned."

"Honestly, I'd be happy just to sit here with you."

We sat there a long time, not saying much, until I couldn't ignore how tired I was. He took me to his spare room and pulled the covers over me, tucking me in with a kiss.

"Goodnight jagiya," he said as he kissed my forehead. I pouted and he chuckled, giving me a kiss on the lips like I wanted.

"Goodnight my love."

I lay there for a while listening to him go to bed. After a while, I padded over to his room and slipped under the covers, hugging him from behind.

"Didn't want to sleep alone?" He chuckled.

I shook my head. "I can't when you're next door. But I appreciate the gesture."

He settled down nicely into my embrace. It was nice to hold him for once, and I drifted off to sleep easily with him there.

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