Chapter 16

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As soon as I got home I decided I wanted to learn Korean. After all, it was the language Kibum spoke and I wanted to be part of that world too.

After settling into my new job I bought some books and got myself a tutor. Kibum thought it was a great idea and would practice with me when we video called.

Having met his family made me think that he should meet mine, so when he came over again months later, I took him up to Edinburgh to do so.

"Where are we going?" Kibum asked as I drove, having bought myself a small car.

"To Tesco."

I parked and got out, and he just followed me, seeming lost. Going inside, I spotted Sharon, one of mum's colleagues and friends.

"Mabel! Long time no see!"

She gave me a brief hug and we caught up a little.

"Who's this then?" She looked at Kibum.

"This is my boyfriend, Kibum. Is mum around?"

"You have a boyfriend? Wow, a lot really has changed."

"Hello," said Kibum politely, sticking out his hand to shake. I could tell Sharon liked him immediately.

"Your mum should be in aisle three, there's a huge cleanup there. Would you believe someone broke five jars of tomato sauce?" She shook her head. "Anyway, nice to see you again, and to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too," answered Kibum.

We walked through the shop until we got to aisle three, where my mum was mopping up. Walking towards her, she eventually looked up and spotted me.

"Mabel!" She abandoned what she was doing and came over to hug me immediately. "What are you doing here? I didn't know you were in town."

"I brought my boyfriend to meet you."

Mum looked at Kibum who gave her a polite smile.

"Oh so you must be the guy she told me about. What's your name, Ki-something?"


"Ah Kibum." She went over to him and held his hands. "You're way more handsome in real life."

He blushed and I put my head in my hands.


"How come you didn't bring him around earlier?"

"Oh you know, I was busy," I mumbled.

"Well when I finish let's go get something to eat."

"Okay then." I smiled. "We'll go look around until then."

There were other shops in the area, so we browsed those in the meantime.

"Your mum seems nice." Kibum smiled. "Why were you so reluctant to have me meet her?"

I sighed. "I thought you'd judge me."

He frowned. "Why?"

"Because I don't come from a great background. My mum has no filter either, as you can see."

Kibum knew that I didn't know my father and that I grew up in poverty, but I hated having to show him the reality and be reminded of it myself.

"I would never judge you for that," he said softly, hugging me to his side. "You can't help that, neither can your mum."

I smiled at him. "I know. You're adorable."

He smiled wider. "So are you."

We had lunch with my mum who was very excited to meet Kibum. They seemed to get on well, and later on she said to me, "I really like him. He's perfect for you and so funny too."

I was delighted. "Thanks mum."

"Do you think you'll want to introduce him to Sasha?"

"No," I said immediately. "Don't mention her to him."

I hadn't given him the full story about my sister and I really didn't want to either.

"Alright then. I wish you two would make up though."

"That depends on her," I said coldly.

We spent the rest of the day with my mum and went back to London the next day. I was so happy it'd gone well. Now that both of our families and friends knew about us and liked us together, it felt like nothing could really tear us apart.

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