11.unknown threat

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???: "Missed me baby?"
Y/n POV:
Hearing that voice I shivered involuntarily. I dropped my bags and was about to sprint.
???: "What's the hurry, baby? Don't you want to invite me to your place? Aunt told me to take care of you. So let me take very good care of you babygirl. Come here."
Y/n: "Fvk off you b@stard. I didn't even want to see your face. My mom doesn't know what kind of monster you are, seung-cheol. This is not home. And if you even just try to touch me I'll kill you."

Saying that I started running. But as seung-cheol chased me along.

Seung-cheol: "No baby. Now no one can do anything to stop me. And your little weak brother is also not here. Just surrender to me. I'll make sure you enjoy every minute with me."

Saying this he was about to catch me but I took a turn and ran into another alleyway. I don't even remember which way I came. I'm running messily for my life with him still on my tail. It's better to die rather than getting r@ped by him. Oh god, please help me. I don't know why but I suddenly wish to see Jungkook. I know it's stupid but I want to see him. I took another 2 turns and kept on running. I'm out of breath now.

I hid near a dustbin in the dark alley. I heard footsteps but they are a little bit far.

Seung-cheol: "Babe? Come out. There's no use of hiding. You thought you could escape from me if you left the country. You don't know me babygirl. I have my men around your house. If you don't show up yourself, I will break your brother's legs. Come out now."

My heart sank hearing him. I love my brothers but I know for sure he won't do anything to them. I hear the footsteps getting near. I tried to adjust suddenly my mobile rang - fvk I sprinted again.

I took another alleyway which is looking so dark. I ran in that direction. I turn my head around to look if he's near but I bumped into someone. Again??

???: "Y/n? What are you doing here? What happened? Why are you running?"
Hearing him I looked up and I don't know what to feel. It's better to seek help from him.

Y/n: "Jimin? Please help. He's trying to get me. He's - he-.. please.. please he-help me. He"

Jimin: "Calm down y/n. First take a deep breath. Breath with me. Breath in.... Breath out...."
We repeated this a few times. Now I'm a little calm. I saw around me and found some people in suits looking like some gaurds. Jimin is also wearing a suit. They are looking like they are doing something.

Jimin: "Now tell me. Who is after you? And what are you doing here?"
Y/n: "He's trying to r@pe me. He's my cou-"
Seung-cheol: "Oh babygirl. Stop the cat and mouse chase. Come to me. Let's go home. Sorry sir, she's my girlfriend. We had a little quarrel. She ran out of the house. I'm worried about her, looking for her everywhere. Come y/n."

As he said that my heart sank, what if jimin trusts him? We actually don't have a good past. If he leaves me here, then it'll be my end.
Y/n: "No jimin. Don't trust him. He's my brother. Pl-"
Seung-cheol: "Shut up y/n. How many times do I have to repeat that I'm not your brother? We don't belong to same family."
Y/n: "It doesn't change the fact that you are my cousin brother and we both belong to Choi's. Which means you are my brother and I don't give a single fvk even if you die. Just get lost you psycho."

Jimin POV:
When I saw y/n in this state I was surprised and shocked. I immediately signalled my men. They know what to do- 'to send a msg to Jungkook ' because we all, BTS together, have came to a conclusion to protect her and inform JK about any news related to her.
As I heard their conversation my blood started boiling and I was disgusted by his existence. How can a brother try to assault his sister? I'm waiting for JK. If he's not coming I don't know maybe I'll kill this as*shole.
Jimin: "I don't remember you being with her, then how can you be her boyfriend? Don't try to fool me you worthless piece of shit. Just leave if you don't want to die."
Seung-cheol: "You don't know who I am. Just give her to me, I'll let you live."

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