4. The mystery

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A/N: Hi guys! Sorry for the late update. Delayed with university classes.

Let's get into the story:


Yes. It's soobin. He's standing there with a visible rage in his eyes and I ran to him and hugged him crying. He threw the lamp he used to hit seung cheol and hugged me back saying..

Soobin: "I knew he was up to something when I saw this piece of shit is sneaking around in the middle of the night. This basta*d has no shame or sense to do something like this. I'll kill him today. Let's drag him out to the living room and tell everyone about his true colours. Come noona, let's go."

He said and started dragging me. I'm still crying and in a daze when he let go of the hug and started to drag seung cheol. I immediately came back to my senses and stopped him.

Y/N: "No soobin. Stop! We can't do that. No one will believe you if you say that and Mr and Mrs. Choi treated us very well and they helped us so much when we were in troubles troubles. If we do this there will be a rift between our families. Even though I hate him to my core and wanted to kill him, we can't do anything about it. Just let's drag him to his room. I have to secure my room lock again I guess."

Hearing this soobin's face is contorted with rage and he's suppressing it. He kicked the unconscious psycho on the floor many times till the brim of his satisfaction. Then he started to drag him saying..

Soobin: "Noona! You sleep in my room. It's not good to sleep here and we'll talk about this tomorrow. Don't worry now. I'm here and if hyung knows about this, even though he does not know much but trust me he'll kill this basta*d with no remorse. I'm going to lock him in his room. First you go and take rest noona. I'll take care of this."

I'm feeling very grateful for having brothers like them. They loves me so much and always protects me no matter what. I'm now determined that I'll go to abroad and earn as much as I can to treat my brothers and I can get away from this as*hole too.

Then I went to soobin's room and slept there. Even though it's not easy but somehow I drifted to sleep.

Next morning:
I woke up early 'cause I can't sleep much. When I went down for breakfast I saw seung cheol at the table and he had some bruises. I don't know what my brother has done but I'm feeling happy like I'm the one who beat him like that. He deserves much more than the simple beating.

Mrs. Choi: "Y/N dear! Come here. Yesterday I haven't seen you clearly. You have lost so much weight. Are you no-"

She was interrupted by my dad who spoke suddenly out of nowhere.

Y/D: "What happened to you seung cheol? What are all the bruises?"

That's when everyone noticed his condition and I don't know what explanation he gives like 'i went to your daughter's room to harass her but the sweet son of yours beat the shit out of me' 🙄 let's see.

Seung cheol: "Nothing uncle. I just fell down because I'm careless. That's it. It's not that big just a scratch."

Y/M: "what scratches? Have you seen yourself? They are like someone has beaten you up. What happened? Did someone bully you when you went out?"

I internally rolled my eyes and almost laughed out loud. My mom is really something. Who dares to bully him? He's the monster every one fears of near my house.

Mrs. Choi: "Tell me the truth. Have you went into fighting again? How many times do I have to tell you not get into fights? Why do you always bring troubles? See the bruises on your face. Are you hurt somewhere else? Let me see."

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