10. New job

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I reached my mansion with y/n beside me, all tied up because she's trying to run away when I kept her in the car. So i don't have any other option.
If looks can kil* then I would have been dead and buried under 6 feet before half an hour. But how much does she act like a lioness she still looks like a wild kitten. My wild kitten.

Y/n: "Nghh! Ughhh! Ummmm.....nghhh!"
JK: "Sorry darling I can't understand what you are saying"

Y/n POV:

This idiot has nerve to joke around and be sarcastic with me. Once you untie me I'll show you my real face you jerk.

I give up struggling making him chuckle. Wow! He can laugh? That's hot and...new?

JK: "Already surrendering babygirl?"
He said and started to get out of the car and lift me in his arms and started to walk towards his house. I started to panick and started struggling in his arms.

He put me down in his living room and started untying my hands and mouth.

Y/n: "You basta*d! How dare you to kidnap me. I'll complain to the cops. I'll see you behind the bars."

He chuckled making me more furious. But it's hot at the same time. Y/n control your fvking mind.
JK: "They can't even touch my hair darling. And the most important thing I want to warn you about is, stay away from every man. Never let anyone approach you."
Y/n: "It's none of your business mister. And what will you do about it anyway. What if I had a boyfriend or if I sleep with a guy. It has nothing to do with you. My life, my wish."

I said intentionally provoking him, just to see how far can I push his buttons. But I think I pushed too far. His jaw is clenched and his eyes reminds me nothing but a devil. I gulped whan he came too close to me.

JK: "Don't. Just don't try to poke the bear sweetheart. You don't know how beastly I can be. Once again I'm warning you, don't let anyone come near you, unless you want them to disappear from this world forever without a trace of their existence."

He said and backed away going to kitchen I think. But he stopped midway and said something.

JK: "As far as I know you don't have a boyfriend and sleeping with a guy (he paused looking deeply in my eyes and said) you can consider me whenever you feel needy. I'm always hor*y for you. 😉"

He said and went away leaving me all flustered by his words. 'pervert' I mumbled under my breath looking around the house. Last time I was here I didn't get time to see the house properly but..damn, it's huge.
After some time he came back with Ice cream? He does surely know how to dissipate the anger of a girl.

JK: "Here. Eat this. It'll help you cool down a bit."
He said sitting on the couch. I sat opposite to him and about to take the ice cream when someone entered all bloody which scared the hell out of me. I screamed in fear.

A/n POV:
The mas ran towards JK and continued to report ignoring the screams of y/n.

???: "Boss. Baek-hyun attacked our base boss. Many guards are injured. And 2 gaurd died on spot protecting jhope sir and namjoon sir."
JK: "What? How are hyungs? Are they fine? How are other gaurds?"
He asked keeping his expression neutral without any emotion. But he's worried and also angry. Just then he looked at y/n and closed his eyes trying to control himself.

JK: "Y/n. Are you alright? It's nothing. Don't think much about it."
Y/n: "W-who are y-you? You are saying it's nothing when people die? Are you a human? Tell me who really are you?"

She screamed crying. JK closed his eyes and decided to drop the bomb. She has to know now or later.
JK: "Have you heard of JK ever?"
Y/n: "Of course, Who doesn't know the notorious dangerous mafia?"
JK: "I'm JK. Jeon Jungkook. I'm a mafia y/n. But I mean no harm to you. Trust me I love you. I reall-"

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