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Alisha's birthday was on Monday and I had not quite figured out what to get her as a gift. She kept talking about it excitedly in class and how her DJ brother was throwing a party for her on Friday night. Most of people coming were his friends though. Most people don't know the full meaning of DJ. I recently found out it was Disc Jockey.

The thought of seeing Alisha's brother, Davie caused butterflies in my belly. He was coming home for recess. To think I had a huge crush on him since Jss1 long before I met Alisha. He was a popular soccer player in school.

I never liked soccer but I watched matches because of him and also I was usually present at almost all his matches. Crazy how I met Alisha at one of his matches.

"Uh...you can have the cashmere scarf my grandparents got me from their travel." I joked pulling out the expensive delicate material from its box. It was redolent of my grandmother's chanel No. 5 scent. A blend of nice scenting florals. It had a vibrant blue color.

Did they remember blue was my favorite or did mum tell them that too.

"Stop kidding around. I'm serious, Aubree." She said staring as I put back the scarf and went on to arrange my room.

My room was always a total mess during weekdays. Piles of clothes on the bed, stacks of books and used plates lying around.

You are really untidy, Aubree Okali. Who would want to marry you? To think this was what Alisha's mum told her when she had an untidy room. Comments like:

Is this how you would do in your husband's house? When I was your age I was always tidy as a teenager.

"So when is Davie coming back?" I heard myself say. I was so silly to ask that. Alisha would so think I'm some kind of selfish idiot only thinking of her brother instead of her birthday.

"I know you have a crush on Davie but at least can you not make it obvious. That is so eww." She said shaking her head as she struggled to get all my dirty laundry into the laundry basket.

I couldn't help but think about Davie. Memories of how he taught Alisha and I after-school lessons even though he would rather play with his PlayStation all day than to teach us. Simply because Alisha's mum insisted that he did. He was a guru in mathematics though. His mum always persuaded him by saying that knowledge shared is knowledge squared. I still don't get the quote.

I was a fast learner but Alisha wasn't but I would pretend that I didn't understand a thing even when Alisha finally did just to get him to guide me and talk to me again.

I was actually Davie crazy. Obsessing over him then. Now he was coming back from South Africa for recess. I couldn't help but get really excited.

"My mum wants to do the unthinkable for my birthday, Aubree."

"What's that?" I asked not so surprised to hear that. Alisha's mum always did the unthinkable each time.

"She wants to call someone dressed in Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse costume for the party. This is absurd, Aubree."

I burst out into laughter. A really absurd idea. Didn't see that coming. Alisha scowled as I went on laughing.

"Chai! Does she think you are five or what?"

"We had a really serious argument over it. She's very persistent, you know? But she has to travel the day before Friday to India..."

I absolutely forgot to ask her about her dad. He had been in India receiving medications. He was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease last year.

"Your dad. How is he?" I asked.

"He was fine the last time we got on a FaceTime. He doesn't even remember my birthday. My aunty said the doctors said his condition is..." She stopped what she was doing. Her eyes were teary.

I dropped the stacked books I was carrying and reached out to her for a warm hug. I probably didn't really understand how she felt but Alisha had always been there for me even when we both didn't understand me.

"It's okay, my Blade girl." I comforted her wrapping my arms all around her.

"Don't call me that." She said with a chuckle.

"What? Is that not your nickname?" I said as she pulled away laughing.

It was great to see Alisha smile and laugh at my own joke again. My joke. Her smile was my own smile. Her laughter was my laughter.

"Okay, Pinkish girl." She snickered.

I rolled my eyes in embarrassment. Such a nickname.

"So what are you supposed to use this cashmere scarf that your grandparents bought for you to do?" She asked pointing at the box on the bed.

It was a really expensive gift though. Made me wonder whether they bought it show off or show their love for me.

"For this harmattan, I guess."

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