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"She's awake." I heard Alisha say when I fluttered my eyes open.

"Thank God." A voice that sounded like Triton's voice said. I stared blankly at the ceiling as I tried to recall how I got to my room. I could tell it was my room when I saw the glow in the dark moon shaped stickers I had glued to the ceiling.

My sight were a bit blurry and I felt a slight migraine. It felt like I bumped my head somehow, somewhere.

"Did I bump my head?" I asked sitting up.

Triton stood at the corner of the room staring. I recalled that we were kissing few minutes ago before I freaked out. I felt a little embarrassed.

I could swear a flush of embarrassment rose to my cheeks. How could I face him now.

He looked worried. Probably thinking he contributed to my condition or something.

"I think I might have well bumped your head when I carried your half conscious body upstairs. I'm sorry." He said in a wobbly voice.

"It's fine. At least you know when you overstep your boundaries." I whispered. Alisha looked a lot confused. He didn't tell her anything about the kiss, I could tell. Sitting up, I discovered I was only wearing my sports bra which was unhooked at the back.

I glared at Triton.

"I didn't do it." He said innocently flailing his hands.

"I did. You were having a panic attack and it seemed like you weren't breathing fine so I had to make sure you get all the air you needed. And you should carry your pills everywhere you go. It was difficult finding them. You kept them in underwear drawer. Who does that?" Alisha said acting all like a mimer with the hand gestures even though there was actually speech.

Great! Triton knows now I take drugs. And I keep my pills in my underwear drawer.

"I'm sorry." He apologised again.

"Can you please excuse us?" I requested abruptly without looking at him.

He silently left shutting the door behind him.

"What happened, Aubree? What triggered your panic attack?" Alisha asked worriedly placing her hand across my neck to check my temperature.

I bit my lips thinking of how good the kiss was.

"We were...kissing." I hesitantly said.

Alisha's eyes widen in surprise. I could tell she didn't expect that from the I HATE HIM Aubree.

"You were kissing? That's new."

"We. We were kissing. He was the one that made the move I swear."

"I didn't ask for who made the move. Are you feeling guilty? But did the kiss somehow trigger something? Like flashbacks of hateful childhood memories or did he touch you in a sexual way? I swear, I would deal with him if he turns out to be a pervert." She said clenching her fist ready for a war.

"No, he's not. I just had flashbacks of how we lost Gabriella and how I almost lost my mother that's all." I lied.

"That's strange." She said helping with a glass of  water just at the side of my bed.

"I'm okay, believe me. I'm just worried about what he probably thinks now."

"That he gave you a toxic kiss." She giggled then a serious look replacing the giggling face.

"He thinks it is his fault. He was outside punching the wall fiercely blaming himself while you were lying unconscious. He was saying things like I would never forgive myself. I would never forgive them. I think he bruised his hands." She said.

I would never forgive them?

I badly wanted to tell Alisha the truth but I've had this feeling that it wasn't the right time to.

"Okay, no more teamwork nonsense. I'm sorry I brought them here. I didn't realize that Triton would some kind of jerk..." Alisha apologized clutching my hands. Her eyes with tears in it.

"Heyyy. Why are you apologizing, Alisha? It's okay. It's not your fault. It's my dumb body. I never want you to worry about me, Alisha."

"I don't, Aubree. I feel you have a whole lot going on in your life apart from the whole family drama going on. Something you aren't telling me."

She was right. So right!

Aubree why don't you just tell her? She's your best friend and deserves to know.

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