Chapter 2

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Jim's pov:

After coming from school Jim thought to himself about the things he had done just when he was about to sit down on the couch he heard noises from the garage and he took a broom in his hand thinking it was the racoons again but what he saw surprised him.It was Merlin himself tinkering with the tools in the garage just when Merlin saw Jim he spoke in  an angry tone and said,"How many times must I tell you people not to  mess with time."Jim was surprised and asked,"Merlin,how did you get here?"Merlin said with an annoying voice,"This imitation of an amulet woke me up from my slumber and showed me what had happened in the future."Jim said,"I'm sorry Merlin but in the battle against the arcane order and their titans we lost too many people dear to us....."Jim couldn't finish the sentence and broke down in tears.Merlin said,"I understand Trollhunter and I am certain you will make things right but you will need this."He handed the new trollhunter amulet to Jim and said,"Make certain you do not make the same mistakes twice.Because the time stone can be used only once without permanently damaging the timeline.Now I will go and you must make certain that your squishy friend does not die a horrible death on his first day.Oh!One more thing James I redesigned the Excalibur to suit you most."Thanks, Merlin that's thoughtful of you".,I said to Merlin and he just chuckled and went away.I thought to myself,"Better get started on my new nightime job of keeping my best friend alive."
Toby's pov:
I came home and went to my room and I excitedly took out the amulet and I carefully started to examine it.In the amulet's outer edge there was some writings which started to glow and it started to translate itself into English just as I was about to read out the the incantation I stopped and for some reason I thought that I shouldn't do it inside the house.So,I came down and saw my nana taking a nap in the couch and went to the backyard.i stood there and read out the incantation out loud," For the glory of Merlin, daylight is mine to command."Instantly pieces of shiny armour flew out and started to attach itself onto my body and I was covered in a bulky armour then it started to shrink and it finally turned into my size and then light started to fly out of the amulet and in my hand came a sword and I called it daylight.I was confused as I was not excited but rather I felt familiar to this actions,not happening upon myself but rather on someone close to me,on someone very dear to me.I shrugged it off as a fantasy.And I felt as if I was expecting somethings rather than someone.

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