Chapter Two: KOLONIA

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Chapter 2:


The trainer's gaze brushed over all of us, creating a tension that for most, remains unrivalled.

I was on the mat, sparring with one of my peers. "I can beat you easily," I snarled, with a blatant dose of confidence. I threw, and landed, a punch to his cheek, splitting the skin and watched the boy grimace as blood trickled from his face.

I knew I could overpower him with little of my energy, but in my mind there was still a small fear of losing again, having a quick flashback to a week ago. I was standing in this exact position, facing someone, hand to hand. Lurching out of my daydream and into another, I wondered if this was what it was going to be like in the war against Canis Alatus, but this was just against one of my peers, although I wasn't looking forward to the war I was forced to fight in, and I didn't want to, but then again, no one looks forward to fighting in a war. THWACK! My sparring partner caught me in the back of my neck with a high kick. That sure forced me out of my thoughts.

After a long, hard day of training, I headed to the cramped locker room and took a nice shower. Once I got out of the shower, I dropped off my stuff in my cramped dorm room. After I placed my bag on my bed, I headed to the mess hall. I chose a heaping plate of qnola pasta and some squash fries. As soon as I was done with dinner, I picked up a small container of chocolate pudding and stalked over to the table where Cora and some of her friends sat, chatting. "Hey girls'' I groaned, rubbing my sore neck that still hurt in the hours after sparring.

"Hey, Lyla," Cora responded. I got a few nods and mumbled greetings from her friends, however, a few of them looked away.

"Gods, I had the longest day of my entire life today" I commented, directing my words and attention to Cora.

Cora was pretty much my sister, we hung out every day and depended on each other. After food, we walked hand-in-hand outside and murmured our goodbyes as we parted ways.

"Catch you tomorrow, Lyla" Cora's face lit up with a warm smile. I nodded and smiled up at the red-tinted star-spattered sky. Cora walked in the other direction, and I followed suit by heading in my direction. I headed back to my room and lay in bed, staring at the ceiling.

After getting ready to sleep in the locker room, I trodded back to my room for the millionth time today. I tossed and turned an unfair amount, and it was completely unexpected due to all the exercise I'd gotten today from sparring. But that was nothing compared to the nightmares that came when I did sleep.

Canis's monsters, Umbrae. The sick, twisted creatures that rampantly roamed my dreams. Clacking, rotted teeth and shrivelled skin that tore from the flesh. I gasped, looked down at my dream-world hands.

No, no, no.

They too, were shrivelled and scar-flecked. Just like all the others swarming around me.

That's why they paid me no notice.

I was one of them. I was an Umbrae.


Word count: 564 words

Thanks for reading!!!

This chapter was written and edited by Udon and Abigail


Only A WishWritten by: Udon T.E. And Abigail K.T.Where stories live. Discover now