Chapter 12 - Unexpected complication

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One day, Mikey was helping out by cleaning the Lair in anyway he could, this time, he was cleaning some of the dirt in his room, there was thorn papers all around, rests of food were almost rotting away on the floor, food stains on the walls, his belongings were scattered all around, scratch marks on the walls and furniture, it's a huge mess, and he's still figuring out how he's gonna clean some of those stains or fix the scratches in the walls and the bedframe, it was a weird situation to be in, to Mikey, he had received a violent injection from alien villains, was kidnapped, mutated into a nearly mindless beast, physically tortured, kept prisoner, basically put through hell and back, just so when the dark times were over, he met his brothers again, in a completelly different body and no full control of himself or his mind.

It was not fun times for him, but now that he's back to his senses, he feels like he has to make up for the problems he caused so his brothers won't hate him or worse, he HAS to clean his mess, he HAS to fix whatever he broke, it was just not right for him to make his brothers go through all that stress and then not do anything to thank them, it wasn't fair that he'd be forgiven for everything without a single consequence for his actions, he knew that the only reason why his family wasn't doing anything about him was because of the stunt he pulled back then, they probably feel bad for demanding anything from someone who went through so much pain, so Mikey would give them the compensation they deserved without having to make them ask for it.

It's the least he could do, he prepares some cleaning products on a bucket to try and clean off the food stains in his room, Mikey soaked a cloth on the mixture and scrubs the dirt with it, it works, barely, but it was still getting the job done, even though it was slow, he kept wiping the walls gladly as he felt determined to get his affairs in order, but something was bringing him down, the smell of the mixture, the smell was strong and a bit sickening, but Mikey refused to mind it too much because he had better things to do right now, he stayed focused on cleaning so much that he didn't even to stop to think what he had made in that bucket, the mixture of cleaning chemicals was letting off some sort of toxic gas that was making it hard for Mikey to breath, slowly suffocating him inside his own room.

Mikey didn't realize it, but he was having the oxigen choked out of him, the mixture had ammonia and bleach and bit by bit, he started feeling the affects of the mixture, it started with his lungs burning, then he began feeling nauseous, and then he felt a strong headache, he coughs painfully, his legs are getting weaker and it's hard to stand on his feet, his throat hurts, his insides hurt, it triggers something like a ptsd attack because thte feeling reminded him way too much of what he felt during his mutation process, a fidgeting pain in his organs and even his bones that felt similar to the beginings of a mutation, which is the sudden twists and bends of your insides as they basically liquefy and stir themselves into brand new positions that can not be told for sure that will be easy to bare or extremely harmful if not deadly.

The pain caused a far more serious reaction from Michelangelo's body and mind, Mikey entered a state of a panic attack, the panic came from the idea that something awful was gonna happen but mostly from the fact Mikey didn't know what it was going to be and now he was freaking out about what could be going on, his body followed the lead and was already tensing up, trying to be more rigid in case of an injury or another possible mutation, but with the vapors inside his respiratory system + the panic attack, it made it worse, Mikey was now having intense burning and cramps all over him and he couldn't handle it, he collapsed onto the floor, weezing for air as the lack of oxygen started to really screw him over, he tried to call for help, but he lost his voice, all that came out of his mouth was groggy hiss that soon turned into a compulsive cough.

His brothers were watching tv in the living room and just now sensed the awful smell, Donnie, knowing a thing or two about chemicals and having his fair share of incidents with them, immediately recognized the smell and tried to look for the source, that was until Leo remembered seeing Mikey carrying cleaning products to his room, this freaks the three brothers out and they run to Michelangelo's room already kicking the door down, they find their little brother laying sideways on the floor, unable to breathe and coughing like more than a 80 years old smoker, Donnie and Raph cover their faces and get Michelangelo out of the floor while Leonardo takes the bucket away to dispose of that godawful mixture, the two take Mikey to the lab and turn on a fan to cool him down and to try and blow some air into his lungs, not that it was anything easy since his throat and lungs are on fire.

Donatello got a nebulizer and added to the mask some medice for the irritated tissue and some saline solution to help Mikey's respiratory system to heal, as soon as Mikey's breathing became more stable, Donnie put the nebulizing mask on Mikey and turned it on, turning the solution and medicine into a vapor for Mikey to inhale and spread across most of the irritated areas, it helps for a bit, but the damage has already be done, Mikey was still shaking and sitting still in fear, his panic attack is still wearing off and he is still being affected and feels vulnerable to any outside danger since him and his body is focusing on protecting himself and his body, Donnie tried to comfort Mikey by putting his hand on his shoulder, but it only causes Mikey to shink down a lot a curl up into himself, bringing his knees to his chest and bringing him to tears, this reaction caused Donnie to step back and keep a certain distance from his little brother, it made him anxious and nervous, Raph specially gets frustrated and storms out of there to avoid seeing his brother in that pitiful state, leaving Donnie and Mikey on their own for now.

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