Chapter 3 - developed instincts

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The three brothers see some rising Kraang forces and they rush their way out of that dimension and shatter the extra portal so they can't be tracked down easily, they head home for Donnie to examine on Mikey to make sure he isn't too negtivally affected in a fisical level, nothing seemed much off, but he did notice that Mikey had some strange behaviors that would pop up all of the sudden, like suddenly spacing out, trying to bite stuff around and getting aggressive over the smallest and most meaningless signs of danger, he was acting quite irrational.

No matter what they tried, something always seemed to drag Mikey back to this more "wild" state, where he would behave more like an animal with nearly no conscience, gladly they found out some tricks to keep the beast side at bay and some triggers to snap Mikey out of it, bringing him to a more aware state, the tricks were simple stuff like food, light, any noisy toy and... jars or any closeded areas like boxes or small spaces, with Mikey's new shape-shifting powers ha can shrink a whole lot, and he seems to find comfort in tight spaces for some reason, the light shown to distract and somehow attract him to it, he usually treats it like an amusing prey that he tries to playfully catch to then carry it to his bed, where he just leaves it there, he rolls the sheets and blankets in a very particular way similar to some sort of nest, is he.... actually.... what is he even doing? As for the food, it's the same as even before the mutation, he stares at it for a few seconds and then devours the whole thing.

It is a bit funny actually how some simple but core things of his personality still remain behind that monsterous exterior, Donnie hates to admit it, but these "examinations" feel more like playing around with a pet instead of researching about the mutant animal, it's quite a unique experience for everyone involved, but one thing is really tricky, one thing that is confusing Donatello deeply, what EXACTLY did Mikey become? Did they used some other animal DNA on the mutagen? Or maybe the DNA of some creature from dimension X? The many different patterns of behavior and unusual habits can be hint for all sorts of animals from birds, to fishes and even snakes, nothing seems to make sense, the samples are disfigured and too confusing to comprehend.

And the fact Mikey can't not be watched over, because if he does, it's a matter of seconds before he either gets hurt, hurts someone or destroys something, it's a bit frustrating, but at least he knows that Dr. Rockwell is also doing some research on the chemical that mutated him to begin with, it had a different color which hints that it might be something similar to mutagen but somewhat different, but what IS this difference? Wonders the Purple bandana turtle, his confusion is cut short when he feels a sharp bite in his arm, Mikey bit him! He was sitting by side and for whatever reason he just bit him.

🟣 - "What was THAT for?!"

He yelled, Mikey loosed his jaw and released his brothers arm, Donnie glared at him with an angry look, but Mikey didn't show a sign of remorse at all, he was actually looking quite cheerful, as if biting him meant something cool, Donnie asked him why did he do it but his response was to shrug it off and rub his head on Donnie's chest, did he just wanted attention? Donnie rubbed Mikey's heaf, he was so confused, what just happened? What was he thinking? What IS he thinking? Is there anyway they can communicate with him with actual words instead of gestures? He's glad he knows ASL but to his surprise, he really misses hearing Mikey blabbering around his lab, driving him insane by asking a different question every 5 seconds, just randomly dropping these quotes and facts about the world he somehow knows, Where does he even learn that?

Mikey felt a bit of hunger, so he headed out to the kitchen to get a snack, Donnie was about to follow him until he heard Leonardo's voice, he was in the kitchen already and Mikey began hanging out with him instead, so Donnie just remained in his lab with his studies, Raph soon entered the lab wanting to talk, he asked about how Mikey was doing so far and if there's anything weird going on, Donnie said he was fine, mostly, Raph did not like the was that "mostly" sounded and questioned him why, Donnie explained about Michelangelo's mental state, how in random times it transitions from normal to wild but it's nothing serious, it's not like he's been going around attacking anyone out of pure rage, Raph didn't say anything, just lowered his head and sighed, but before Donnie could ask what's up, Raphael confessed he wanted his little brother back, Donnie was visibly worried, he wasn't sure if things would just go back to normal after Mikey was healed, that if he can even be healed, but he didn't say this out loud to not worry the second youngest brother in his family, the silence fell over them for a few seconds before Raph excused himself out of there, leaving Donnie in a wave of worry and concern about Mikey.

Meanwhile, Leo felt Mikey in the watch of Casey who decided to make the best out of his friend's new awesome form, they played all sorts of games while the others weren't looking.

Like "catch the snack", where Casey would throw a treat and Mikey had to snatch it with his mouth, and for a partially savage animal, it was fun and freeing to do that.

Or "wild ride" where Casey would jump on Mikey's back and he had to get the human out of his back without grabbing or hurting him, so he would just run, spin and move around to get Casey to fall off or smt.

Or sensory training, that as the name implies, is Casey's way of having fun while exploring Mikey's new abilities as a badass double mutant, his hearing was very strong, stronger than before, he could hear the others talking from rooms away, his touch was also very advanced, he developed some kind of seismic sense where he can feel small vibrations on the ground pretty far around him, but in the downside, his vision is not as good, and Mikey couldn't quite communicate so Casey wasn't very sure about what's exactly wrong, but he was still there to help.

He seemed to be the one less bothered about Mikey's new form, he wasn't in pain at all, and the body didn't cause him any health complications and he seemed to have gotten used with being a big shape-shifting beast, all that they could really use of help was with his feral mode but the rest seemed to be fine, Mikey even had the idea of using ASL to talk to them, he already knew quite a bit of it and even taught Casey some signs for them to interact better, they were really just having a good time, Mikey enjoyed the time they were spending together, comparing to the others, he felt way more normal, he wasn't being treated like a victim or as someone irecognizable, for a moment, he could just chill and feel like himself, like if nothing happened, it was nice.

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