Chapter 5 - Understanding situation

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Leo, Raph and April were called to Donnie's lab, they all sat around and listened to Donatello and Dr. Rockwell ramble about their scary discovery, Mikey's DNA structure was unstable and fragilized by his new mutation, so much so that any attempt to revert him with the cures they have at that moment are as dangerous as if they made him swallow active clock bombs, this risk could not be taken, he was probably going through a lot already, they thought he was probably having a hard time with everything going on, but actually, he was fine, he had his time in dimension X to adapt to his own body, he was very stressed from that experience but not much after that outside of some struggles with keeping his size in check, specially now that he's back home, his emotions are on the peak and so he's very easily triggered emotionally.

Everyone is quite concerned, but all it can be done now, it's Donnie to get Mikey for some tests, and that's just what he does, he later on brings Mikey to the lab to collect some samples of his dna like blood to run some test on, it's hard at first, Mikey abominates syrigens and needles, he'd freak out just by seeing them, he would try to fight and run like if his life was at risk, like if Donatello was threatening him with a knife or something, he'd kick and scream in panic, so Donnie and the others had to do their best to either hold him down or make him relax and calm down which is always a hard task for them, what Mikey is going through is rough, he's freaking out because of small similarities he's picking up, similarities that relate to an awful and traumatic event he went through, his mutation and the three months he spent being studied and tested by heartless robots with no regards for his well being, harming and nearly killing at times.

Those events scarred Michelangelo, probably for life, even if he doesn't show these panic reactions at all times or at absolutely any set of circumstances that somehow resemble his trauma, he can still respond negatively if the situation becomes too much for him to handle and that's why they've been avoiding talking to him about it or just talk about what happened at all, so no one is really pressing him for answers even though that's all they need right now, info on what happened to him back there, what he saw and what exactly they did to him, would really help on figuring out how to help him heal, emotionally and physically speaking.

After nearly two hours later, after Donnie manges to get about 12 small samples of DNA from Michelangelo's body, he patches him little brother up and takes him to his room to rest, apologizing for what he had to do all the way there as Mikey hugs his arm tightly to seek more comfort, but at some point Donnie's voice starts to taunt Mikey's mind and he got some migraines, so to ler out his sudden and unexplained frustration, he bites Donatello's shoulder and get a little feral while doing so, it hurt Donnie a lot, feeling his fangs and sharp teeth clench into his shoulder, it sends him into a panic, activating his fightor flight responses and he tries to flee, to not only escape from that painful grasp but to also not hurt his little brother, who he knows is doing this unconciously.

He tries to yank his arm off of Mikey's chomp, even having to put his foot against his plastrol to try to free himself, which Mikey's responds to with more violence, bitting into him even harder until Leo and Raph barge in, Leo holds below Mikey's chin and pinches a nerve that startles Mikey into loosing his jaw, opening his mouth to squeal and letting Donnie go, Raph pulls Donnie away to help him out while Leo took Mikey away to the kitchen to calm him down, Raph and Donnie rush back to the Lab to check on his injury, the bite wasn't dirty or anything, gladly, since Donnie wasn't really finished studying Mikey's new atributes, he wasn't sure if Mikey's bite could be venomous or even acid, so it was good that he didn't got any poison or anything on him.

Meanwhile, Leo is trying to hold Mikey down while he tries to shape-shift to free himself from his brother's trapping embrace, but Leo jumps on his back and wraps his arms around Mikey's neck like a hug, whispering into his ear to calm him down, trying to be gentle and comforting to compel his brother to return to his senses, to come back to him and their family, rubbing his head and trying to show him that he's safe and that he'll protect him from now on, no matter what, Mikey fights him at first, doing the same as he'd do with Casey while "wild-ride" but way more hurtful and violent, knocking him against the walls, rolling over him, trying to reach him with his arms to rip Leo off his back, but he couldn't get to him because he was too troubled to focus on his movements and his arms were a bit clumsy since he got more used with using them more for walking, almost like a higher set of legs, but he can still hold or grab things with his hands, but the rest of the arms are having a bit of trouble with both trying to get Leo and keeping balance of the body since he was very hunched over almost like he was still trying to unconsciously stay on his fours as a natural reflex for the animalistic part of his mind.

But after a little bit of time and a lot of evading from Leo for him not to get hurt, he finally gets Mikey to settle down, mostly for tiredness from all the struggling and fighting he was putting up, it exhausted them both, Leo was also very tired from trying to avoid being smashed against the walls and ceiling during Mikey's attacks, but the big guy finally layed down on the floor defeated and tired from all of that, Leo takes a deep breath and watches Mikey shrink down to a very very small size, he could almost fit him into a cooking glove for how small he is, Leo picks him up with his hand and sits down on the kitchen table with his LITTLE little brother on hands, he looked down at him in that weak, powerless and small form as he falls sleep crying of shame for what he did, Leo comforts him and assures him that everything will be fine and that they'll work this out, he shows compassion and love to Mikey until he finally falls asleep quietly, it's cute to watch.

Leo carries the small mutant to his room and places him in the middle of his blanket nest to let him rest more comfortably and sits besides him on the bed, laying down by his side and watching him closely as he sleeps, he wonders if any of this will get better, if his little brother will ever get better or heal, Leo rests his hand over Mikey tiny body and wonders if that's what it'll be like from now on.

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