Chapter 16 - Concerning discovery

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🔵 - "Mikey? Are you alright?"

🟠 - ".... hi?"

🔵 - "Hey... is everything ok?"

🟠 - "Yeah, I.... I just need a moment."

🔵 - "What happened?"

🟠 - "Nothing! Nothing... I'm fine."

🔵 - "Ok... but, can I talk to you?"

🟠 - "Uh..... sure?"

🔵 - "It's about... the things you said earlier."

🟠 - "Oh..."

🔵 - "Look, I can't say I fully understand what you're going through... but I can't say I never went through anything similar."

🟠 - "?"

🔵 - "Remember when... I woke up from that coma? After my fight with the Shredder."

🟠 - "Yeah..?"

🔵 - "Well... I went through a lot of pain too, you know? I... struggled a lot with my own body, I couldn't walk or even move propperly, it was really hard for me to move on."

🟠 - (Is he... trying to compare our pains? What is he trying to do?)

🔵 - "The point I'm trying to make is... I also didn't know if I was gonna pull through, so... what you said really hit a chord in me, but my sittuation never went to a point where I would... breakdown like that, like you did, I didn't know how to answer you then... but after a lot of thinking... I... think I might have an idea of what to say now..."

🟠 - "And... so...?"

🔵 - "I'm.... sorry, you felt like your problems were burdening us, you probably felt so weak and useless... I should have been there for you instead of pressuring you into getting better before your time."

🟠 - (Wait, what? My problem literally prevented you from fighting against an alien invasion and that isn't burdening at all????)

🔵 - "As your brother, I should have been more thoughtful of you, and I should have given you more attention and support."

🟠 - (Ok, I get the support part but what is he going on about? He gave me plenty attention, maybe even too much, Leo and Donnie have been babying me like crazy, is he... actually talking about me?)

🔵 - "You are in pain, I know, and you're scared of what might happen to others if you're not around, and believe me this is completely normal."

🟠 - (Is he just projecting his trauma on me to get a grasp on what to say? When did I ever say... is that how he understood the things I said?)

🔵 - "I know it might be very hard to move on, but I want you to know that we're here for you, and that we're going to do whatever it takes to make you feel better, you don't have to go back to normal just to please us, you can stay as it is and we will still love you the same."

🟠 - (Love me the same? Yeah, right... when was the last time Raph even talked to me? Or the last time I was able to just exist in the same room as you guys without making it awkward or uncomfortable? I'm not that unaware, you know?)

🔵 - "Mikey, I promise you, we'll make sure you survive, your health is just a bit fragile right now, it will go away soon, and once you're better we can figure out how to turn you back to normal, how does that sound?"

🟠 - "You just... contradicted yourself."

🔵 - "W-what? What do you mean?"

🟠 - (OH, shoot! I said that out loud.)

🔵 - "M-mikey? What happened?"

🟠 - "You... *sniff* you just said I didn't need to change... that I'm fine the way I am.... but now... you're just jumping back to saying I have to get over myself and return to what I was before!"

🔵 - "What?! No!! I-I didn't mean it like that! I_"

🟠 - "You're not even taking me into consideration! You're just telling me what YOU wanted to hear when YOU were hurt, you even got everything possible wrong!"

🔵 - "I just..."

🟠 - "The problem isn't the lack of support or attention, the problem is that you guys are constantly hovering over me and telling me what I can or can't do! You're treating me like a child!"

🔵 - "..."

🟠 - "And you say you guys will love me no matter what, but let's all be serious now, when did we suddenly become so close?! Raph hasn't talked to me in months, he avoids me like the plague! You are always cooped up in the Dojo and Donatello only comes to me to drop bad or worse news, all you guys have been doing is making me feel like a parasite!"

🔵 - "Mikey, look, I didn't..."

🟠 - "You really think I wanted this?! I hate this body, I hate how terrible it is to go on with my day with a defective body, sometimes I can't hear, sometimes I can't see, not like you would ever understand, you just had to endure some pain and get used with walking again, now LOOK AT ME!!"

🔵 - "...."

🟠 - "You are right, you are absolutely right, you can't understand what I'm going through! I've been literally hanging by the thread of life every couple times a week, I'm dying, Leonardo!"

🔵 - "But we can still fix this, we will find a way, but you need to understand, we need more time!"

🟠 - "I can't do this, Leo... It got worse."

🔵 - "We will..... w-what did you say?"

🟠 - "I... I went... I just wanted to help stop the invasion.."

🔵 - "Mikey, what did you do?"

🟠 - "I'm sorry."

🔵 - "Mikey, open this door right now."

🟠 - "I don't want you to see me like this."


🟠 - "!!!...."

🔵 - "...."



🟠 - "I'm sorry.... brother, I'm so sorry..."

🔵 - "... They've spread..."

🟠 - "I don't... *sniff* I didn't... *hic* This wasn't supposed to happen..."

🔵 - "It's ok! It's ok... we'll.... we'll figure this out... somehow...."

Leo hugged his baby brother as they both start crying in eachother's shoulder.

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