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Harry slowly opened his eyes trying to remember everything that happened last night. He felt Kreacher gently nudging him. "Bluh?"

"Master, the halfbreed is at the back door and he brought his mudblood with him."

Harry sensed the naked woman lying next to him stiffen in fear. He placed a calming hand on her hip and rubbed gently trying to assure her.

"Let them in," Harry instructed the elf. "They are always welcome here, even when we're out."

Kreacher was still confused but nodded in agreement. "Would you like some breakfast, Master?"

"That sounds wonderful Kreacher," Harry said. "Check with our guests, but I believe there should be six of us eating."

Kreacher popped away to do as ordered. He still hadn't figured out what to make of his new Masters.

"Good morning, Katie."

Katie Bell looked up at the Lord Black uncomfortably. Last night had been wonderful and she never even considered the idea that he might be a Death Eater or blood purist. "Good morning?"

Harry rolled over to face her and smiled crookedly. "Don't mind our peculiar elf's cute little nicknames. He was simply raised that way."

Katie relaxed momentarily only to be startled by the magnified voice of a werewolf.


Harry quickly cast a Sonorus charm around his throat and replied. "We have guests, Remus. A little decorum would be welcome, if you please."

A slightly quieter muffled voice called back. "Sorry."

Harry smiled at Katie warmly. "I suppose we should-"

A muffled crash interrupted him quickly followed by the voice of an auror. "Dammit!"

Harry snickered. "That would be Auror Tonks tripping over the umbrella stand. You can stay for breakfast, can't you?"

"Crap!" Katie blurted out sitting up quickly. "My sister's going to be worried sick. I told her I would floo her if I was staying out overnight."

Harry winced. "We haven't gotten ourselves hooked up to the floo yet. But if you want to borrow my owl, you're welcome to."

Katie leaned forward to snag a passionate morning kiss, curious how Harry's morning breath would taste. She found it to be surprisingly pleasant. "That'd be great."

The door to Harry's bedroom swung open and Kid Killer McGee flew right in to perch on the headboard.

"You're a pretty smart one, aren't you?" Harry said looking at his owl.

The owl just gave Harry a condescending look and stuck out his leg towards the nude young woman.

Katie was pleased to see a common muggle pen and some paper nearby and quickly scribbled a note assuring her sister that she was fine. She handed it to the owl that flew out the bedroom door and down the hallway.

"We're still here," Tonks' voice carried up towards the bedroom in a particularly unsubtle reminder.

Harry chuckled at Tonks' impatience as both he and Katie got dressed.

There was a persistent tapping while they put their scourgified clothes back on that caused Harry to notice his owl was just sitting on Sirius' doorknob, pecking the door every few seconds.

"Kid Killer?"

The owl turned towards Harry and then back at the door, banging its beak on the wooden door.

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