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The large black dog took a big sniff of the young man in front of him.

Harry just smiled as the dog glanced up at him and sniffed again. Finally having reached a conclusion, there was a soft pop and the dog was replaced with an overjoyed Sirius Black.

"Harry!" Sirius screamed at the top of his lungs. He grabbed Harry in a hug and pulled him tight.

Harry returned the embrace and was patting his godfather on the back. "Hi Sirius."

Sirius was not going to let go, as tears were actually in his eyes. He knew better than to let that get out.

"Umm... Sirius?"

Sirius sniffled and hugged tighter. He shook his head, making it clear he wasn't going to be letting go from this hug any time soon.

"Sirius," Harry pleaded. "Come on. You're poking me."

Sirius wiped his eyes and pulled away, forgetting that he'd been 'cleaning' in public. "Sorry," Sirius said, unable to stop grinning. "I guess I'm just real happy to see you."

Harry groaned. "Way to stay classy, Padfoot."

Sirius let out one of those familiar barks of laughter. He stepped back and playfully frowned. "You grew up on me! Merlin's balls, you're old, Harry!"

"It's been ten years," Harry admitted ruefully. "And... bugger me. You look younger than I've ever seen you!"

"I know!" Sirius agreed and looked around them. "Crap. I didn't exactly look both ways before transforming just now. You don't think anyone saw us, did you?"

Harry glanced around and didn't see anyone staring at Sirius in awe or fear. "Don't know."

Let's hope not," Sirius nodded grabbing Harry by the arm and beginning to walk down the street. "You don't have to be anywhere, do you?"

Harry sighed, falling into step with his godfather. "Yes, Sirius. I've followed you into a brand new dimension, managed to locate you, and now have to cut it short for a board meeting before lunch."

Sirius grinned at the thought Harry came after him. "Excellent! We've got lots to catch up on. You ready to go get drunk and trade stories?"

"It's ten in the morning!"

"You're right," Sirius nodded. "The bars probably aren't open yet."

Harry couldn't stop himself from smiling at his godfather's priorities. "Where are you living?"

"Oh good idea! Moony's got some firewhiskey and a bunch of muggle stuff."

"I do want to catch up, Sirius, but are you sure drinking this early is the best idea?"

Sirius led Harry across the street. "I don't know. Are the last ten years of your life anything like the first five at Hogwarts were?"

Harry paused and agreed. "You're right. We need alcohol."

They were on the steps of the flat next to the magically warded cellar when a man dressed like a Ministry Obliviator came scurrying up. "Did you guys see anything like a man-dog around here?"

"He went that way," Sirius and Harry answered in unison, both pointing in the same direction down the street.

The Obliviator hurried off in the direction they pointed without giving another look back at the two men who weren't exactly dressed like the average muggle.

Sirius and Harry grinned at each other. Sirius pointed out, "Great minds-"

"There's nothing great about your-"

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