"Come on we haven't got all day!" Warm sand beneath my feet is met with a cool hit of water. I waver a moment before my ankles become engulfed in the earth. A hand grabs hold of my own and leads me out into the waves. Once you go beyond the ups and downs of the sea near the shore there is a still calm. The water is clear and lit up from the sun from shining above. "Now lay back and close your eyes honey. Relax, I've got you." I do as I'm told and stop kicking my legs, entrusting myself to the god's and letting myself float.

I feel another nudge on my shoulder, "Hey, you still here?"

"Oh yeah, sorry."

"Why don't you lay back and close your eyes? Here rest your head on the towel," the sand was brushed off and I was laid back, "relax, I've got you."

My face scrunched up as I tried to keep my emotions inside but it didn't work for tears rolled down my face like the waves rolled onto the shore. "I'm sorry. It's just the beach, the ocean. I haven't seen it since. Never mind." We gathered our things and left the beach without a word. Dad tried his best to keep us away from the sea for the remainder of the weekend. I did appreciate his efforts to make me happy for this place brought up feelings I thought were buried.

The drive home was quiet and it felt like we would never get there. I wondered how Wes and Katie's holiday was going? Were they were having a good time? I wondered if Regulus would be at the house when we returned? I hoped he wouldn't be. One thing I knew was that my room was waiting for me to close myself up in.

We arrived home to mail inside the letterbox, two of them being from Wes and Katie. Regulus to my relief was not at the house. I open my bedroom door and drop onto my bed, letting all my feelings soak into my pillow.

"She must be sleeping." I heard a whisper as the door creaks open. Light shined in for just a moment before the door closed again. Leaving me in the dark.

The weeks went by in a blur and I found myself back at King's Cross Station. Pushing my trolley along I count the numbers leading up to the wall where Platform 9 3/4 stands on the other side. I start with a run and in one moment London has been left behind. Looking through the crowds of people no familiar face is found. The train's whistle echo's through the station calling everyone to board.

"Hey, your dad would of been here if he could. You know that?" Regulus kneels down, placing his hands on my shoulders.

Dad's new job didn't allow him to take the morning off so we said our goodbyes at the house. "I know. Now I should go." I give Reggie a short hug before turning away only to be pulled back again.

"I hope you have a great term and if you ever need someone to talk to I'm always here for you."

The train ride felt shorter then last years and before I knew it it was time to put on our robes. Looking out the window Hogwarts is sat in the distance waiting to welcome us back.

"Uncle Amos said other schools will be coming to Hogwarts this year. He didn't say why but they will be spending the term here."


"Yeah, I asked Cedric if Uncle Amos told him why but he was told, 'it was up to Dumbledore to share.'"

The sorting had been done and we are all waiting for Dumbledore's annual speech to start off the year. We finish our meal and I return to my dormitory to grab paper, a quill and ink to write.

Dear Reggie,
Hogwarts will be housing to other schools this  
     year for we will be hosting a triwizard
     tournament. The Minister of Magic will be at
     Hogwarts to oversee the event. It sounds exciting
     and Wes's cousin already says he will enter!

     We have our new Defense Against the Dark Arts
     teacher, Professor Alastor Moody. People have
     been talking and no one thinks he'll be as good as
     dad was. I'm in the common room now and will
     go to bed after sending this. I miss you already
     and tell dad I miss him too.


From the trouble Avery and I had last year I was moved to a new dormitory so that means all new girls to share the room with. I've seen them around, but them being older than me we've never properly met. One girl, Abigail Finn was like sunshine in human form. She always wore a smile and when she isn't in her school uniform is wearing the brightest outfits you would ever see. Edith Taylor was much simpler. You'd mostly see her caring after her plants in the courtyard, a small frown formed on her face when she concentrated.

Pulling the curtains closed I sink into my pillow and slip off into a deep sleep.


It's the start of Goblet of Fire!
It took so long writing this chapter. I wrote it three times with different storylines and this one is my favorite!

Song: Time's Blur
by Lord Huron

To me this chapter sounds like that song and the meaning behind the song intertwines a bit

I doubt every chapter for now on will be titled after a song but there will be credit when it is due.

Word count: 1365

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