Chapter Twenty-Five | Sunshine of My Life

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Tae Men

The Day of the Meeting Between the Chairman and Tae Men

The fruit basket in my hands seemed a little redundant as I walk into Chairman Lee's hospital room and walk into the produce section of your local grocery store. I look around the overflowing produce selection and try to hide the grimace that was teasing my facial muscles.

"Ahh, Miss Tae, come in, come in."

I nod my head at Chairman Lee and his secretary who is dutifully taking notes on a tablet.

"Thank you, Chairman."

"My daughter has handled most of the company's day to day business since I've been relegated to this bed, but I insisted she at least let me handle this little side project of ours as I have a vested interest in how this turns out."

"Of course, Chairman."

Chairman Lee sits up straighter in his hospital bed and waves me over to sit down in the chair next to his bed. I nod my head and follow his directions and the thin secretary quickly exits the room, mumbling something about an upcoming conference call.

"How are you feeling, Chairman?" I ask quietly.

Chairman Lee sighs and as he looks over at me, I can see the exhaustion slipping down his face. For the first time since I had met the man, I can see his age. Most of my interactions with the Chairman were a result of Kang Il's sometimes complicated personality which typically involved yelling or chastising, so to see this demure personality was a complete 180.

"Feeling my age."

My thoughts exactly.

"You said you wanted to discuss Kang Il's recent performance and something else?"

He nods and a light fills his eye at the mention of my boyfriend.

Ha, boyfriend. Kang Il is now my boyfriend!

"Yes, Kang Il. Ca Jin-Ho has been keeping me apprised of his behavior and actions. Including a juicy little morsel of gossip..."

I blush, internally backhanding my friend in my head.

"Oh, Chairman Lee...I'm sorry—"

"There's no need to be sorry, Miss Tae. He told me to expect that when I hired you. He filled me in on all of the history between you two well before I met you. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure it's due to your professionalism that he's changed so much, not your personal relationship, which is why I am here to offer you an extended contract."

What the what?

"Chairman Lee—"

"Hear me out first before you say no, Miss Tae. I know you prefer being what I consider a 'Public Opinion Hostage Negotiator,' but your skills are far too good to just be conditioned to fix PR crises. Since the incident with poor Ryan Jae, I have discovered that our PR team isn't equipped to handle big incidents and you can. I want to offer you a full-time, permanent contract with the Eagles to act as the Head of our Public Relations and Planning Department. You will have full control over the team, hire whoever you want, handle all publicity, and even better, you'll get to work with the man you love every day."

I stare at him and am a little more than embarrassed at the swear word that drops from my lips as I take in his words.

"Seems like you've picked up a habit from Kang Il, like he has you."

I chuckle awkwardly, "To be fair, that habit was from our childhood, not a recent one."

Chairman Lee nods and looks out the window, "Ca Jin-Ho told me you and Kang Il were childhood sweethearts. It reminds me a lot of me and my wife. What I wouldn't give to flashback to those days and enjoy each and every moment with her again. You don't realize what you have until they're gone from your life. Sometimes permanently."

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