Jungkook sprinted back to the cupboard, looking for the pads. Now that he was with me, I felt a bit at ease.

"Tae, there were no pads inside but I found these instead. It's also for your periods... I guess... " Jungkook scratched his head with a sheepish smile, handing over a box of tampons to me. A lonely tear rolled down my cheeks again as I facepalm in annoyance. I didn't wish to see even the slightest of blood.

"Tae-ah~ please don't cry, baby. I'll get you pads right now. Just wait for a few minutes, okay? I'll be back soon" he turned around to go out when I grabbed his wrist to stop him.

"We'll... We'll get it later.. Just bring me a set of fresh clothes from my wardrobe" I mumbled.

"Okay, as you wish, Tae. We'll get you the most comfortable ones afterwards" his voice alone was enough to soothe my heart. With a peck on my forehead, he left to get some clothes.

Meanwhile, I managed to wear a tampon, shedding a few tears in the process as I didn't like the feeling of it going inside at the moment.

"Here, shall I help you clean up?" Jungkook volunteered, crouching down to help me change. After that, he picked me up with one arm wrapped around my waist and the other under my legs and walked to the bedroom.

Suddenly he noticed the paleness on my face which was worse than last night.

"Diarrhoea? Isn't it better yet?" he asked, furrowing his brows deeper in concern.

"No.." I quivered as I lied down on the bed with his help.

"How many times have you passed stools since morning?" he asked, covering my body with a warm blanket.

"2 or 3? I don't know... But I was in the washroom for about an hour...."

"An hour? Oh my God... I'm so sorry Tae... I couldn't hear your voice before" his eyes were filled with concern as he squeezed my hands in his and placed a kiss on my forehead.

"It's alright Kook.. You were sleeping. And it's too early in the morning. You should get some more sleep before going to hospital. C'mon on, sleep he- OH MY-" I gasped at the pool of blood on the other side of the bed that I had completely forgotten about.

Eyes wide open, I looked at Jungkook and immediately apologized, "I-I'm so so... Sorr-" he shushed me, keeping a finger on my lips.

"Don't say anything further. I'm gonna give you some medicines and then I'll clean it up. You're not allowed to leave the bed until you get better, alright?" he said firmly, pecking my lips before walking away to get the medicines from his kit.

I smiled a little at his protectiveness towards me. He's gentleman and he loved me a lot, indeed.

"Can I pulled the blanket for a second, Tae? I'm going to have you to tell me where it hurts before medicating you" he said, keeping the medicines on side table.

"Yeah, okay..." I agreed, pulling the covers aside and exposing my stomach.

"Stop me when it hurts" he guided me and started palpating various areas.

"Argh!! Here, here!" I shrieked at his touch.

"Alright, alright. It's all done babe" he cooed, giving me the medicines and covering me up again.

"These will relieve your spasms. Now try to relax and I'll join you in a moment" he said with a smile, caressing my hand in his.

"Thankyou koo" I whispered with a flying kiss which he grabbed and dramatically attached to his heart. I giggled at his playfulness.

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