Chapter 71: The Easy Part

Start from the beginning

Jaune: Here. It's not much but I think it might still do some good. 

Pyrrha: Um.... Right.... Thank you Jaune....

Jaunes face dropped when he saw that the cotton candy did nothing to make me feel better. Ren and Nora turned the corner to join us but when Nora saw both of our faces, she dragged Ren back. I'm glad that she did, I don't know if I could handle all of them right now. The only reason I can tolerate Jaune is because of what I feel for him. Jaune took a seat next to me before he started to talk to fill the silence. 

Jaune: You were the first person to believe in me.... You know that? Even when I told my parents that I was going to Beacon, they told me not to worry if I end up having to move back in.... *Scoff* How depressing is that?

Pyrrha: ....I'm sure they didn't mean-

I gasped and dropped the cotton candy as Jaune laid his hand on top of mine. I had never imagined that he would do something like this. I had wanted something like this to happen for months, almost a year, but now that it's happening, I have this shadow hanging over me. It didn't change the small happiness that I got from the gesture though. 

Jaune: I.... I guess what I'm trying to say is that.... You've always been there for me. Even when I didn't deserve it. And I can tell that there's something on your mind so how can I help?

Pyrrha: Your already doing it.

I leaned my head on his shoulder, making him jump a little. Almost immediately, he relaxed back into me. it was a moment of reprieve from thinking about what Ozpin told me. Only a moment when the thought invaded my mind. I figured that since I don't have Y/ns help in figuring this out, maybe I could ask Jaune....

Pyrrha: Jaune?

Jaune: Hmm?

Pyrrha: ....I don't know what to do....

Jaune: What do you mean?

Pyrrha: ....Do you believe in destiny? 

Jaune: Um.... I don't know.... I guess it depends on how you look at it. 

Pyrrha: When I think of destiny, I don't think of a predetermined fate that you can't escape, but rather some final goal. Something you work towards your entire life. 

Jaune sat silent for a moment, thinking about what I said before nodding his head. 

Jaune: Ok... Yeah, I can see that. 

Pyrrha: Well what would you do if something came along that you never expected? Something that had the potential to stand between you and your destiny. 

Jaune: Like what-

Pyrrha: Or what if you can suddenly fulfill your destiny in a instant but the cost of who you were....

Jaune: Pyrrha, your not making any sense.

With Jaunes statement, I lost all hope that he could help me figure this out. The only person who could have helped was chased off.... I was left alone to understand all of this.... The only thing is that I couldn't even begin to understand what was the right thing to do. I stood up, nearly in tears. I made sure that my back was to Jaune so he wouldn't see me like this. 

Pyrrha: None of this makes any sense! This isn't how things were supposed to happen!

Jaune: I'm sorry! Please, I'm just trying to understand what's wrong. 

Pyrrha: I always thought that I was destined to become a Huntress. To protect the world.... And it's become increasingly clear to me that.... My feelings were right.... But I don't know if I can do it....

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