7 | demonic thoughts

Start from the beginning

"She's mine. She was supposed to be mine!" He gritted out, fisting his hair stands in his palm tightly, he let out a loud groan.

"Damn it! She was supposed to be mine. My wife. And no power can stop me from claiming her, not even her." He whispered as his pupils dilated.

His fitoor would either bless him or take every precious thing away from him. Not everything can be bought or forced.

"Benazir! you're going to be mine. Either by hook or crook." He smiled sinisterly before moisture clouded his eyes, blinding him.


You were not supposed to cry for this has always been in your qismat, this had always been you. - Was all she had heart since childhood. She had been taught to glamour herself and seduce men who would pay her good enough.

"You wouldn't understand Naila. No one would." She fought back fiercely, throwing away the flimsy fabric.

"Benazi-" Another dress was hurled at her, landing straight on her face making her wince as the irritating stones grazed her skin.

"What? Do you want me to wear nothing in particular and end up going naked to that damned party?" She was seething in pure rage.

She couldn't ignore the fact that they had been going to the wedding anniversary of parents of the same man who'd bought her.

If not for Naila, she wouldn't have had any idea about it.

"Naila! I am sorry but please, i can't do it." She whispered casting her eyes low.

Naila sighed before dropping the huge knot of clothes down on the floor and kicked them away towards the door of the room.

"Benazir. I would ask you just one thing, will you answer me?" She whispered as she sat down beside the already broken girl.

Benazir looked up to meet her gaze filled with nothing but adoration and respect for her and it made her surprised for a moment. This wasn't the Naila she had known, She was a completely different person now as she sat in front of her begging with her eyes to trust her words.

Overwhelmed, she could only nod at the gorgeous lady.

"What makes you feel more like yourself ?"

That sudden question caught her off-guard. Benazir was dumbstruck for a moment before she regained her composure.

"Nai -" Naila held her hand in hers, softly patting the back of her palm.

"Trust me on this Benazir. Faris has always loved you. He has always waited for you, patiently." She smiled at her.

Benazir couldn't reply back. She didn't wanted to.

"I know this is so much to take in but you can't ignore the man who has been begging you to marry him just to take you away somewhere safer." She whispered.

Benazir felt another round of nausea rising up her throat. Her eyes stung with unshed tears.

"You don't understand Naila. He has loved me but there's no future for us. He's from a well, rich and renowned family background whereas me? I am no one." She whispered as her voice broke.

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