6 | hushed confessions

650 38 67

How do we tell the sea that we're
drowning on land ?


The darkness, patchy slithering swords of lightning and the powerful gait of winds whistled through the chamber. Once powerful arena was now quiet and lifeless. The shrilling voices that once echoed throughout the vintage kotha now looked barren. Abandoned.

The older women seemed to have not been taking any interest in the soaring pain that brewed through and in the hearts of younger girls that resided there.

Sounds blaring through the speakers appeared a lot shrill and uproared. Ladies that danced their hearts out happily once now sat in their respective quarters, their hearts heavy, turmoil of their own thoughts ravaging their hearts and minds.

In the sumptuous chamber of the lavishly decorated kotha, the elderly woman sat quietly. Her henna clad hands were void of the constant gold bangles she wore.

Amidst the softly lit, richly adorned quarters of her chamber, Raziya Bi, the wise and caring confidante of Benazir, sat in contemplative silence. Her expression, a canvas of concern and empathy, bespoke the depth of her inner turmoil as she pondered the difficult task that lay ahead.

The room itself was a haven of comfort and elegance, with intricate tapestries adorning the walls and fragrant blooms gracing every corner. Yet, in the midst of such opulence, Raziya Bi's thoughts were focused on a delicate matter-a matter that involved the well-being of Benazir, the girl whom she had watched over like a guardian spirit.

Her fingers absently traced the patterns of her embroidered shawl as she weighed her options, the flickering oil lamps casting a soft glow on her features. Raziya Bi was known for her wisdom, her ability to navigate the complexities of their world with grace and tact, and tonight was no exception. Her mind was a labyrinth of strategies, all aimed at persuading Benazir to go along with Mr. Rehman, who had purchased her for the night.

As she thought, her lips moved in a silent prayer, seeking guidance from a higher power to help her find the words that would ease Benazir's heart. Raziya Bi knew that Benazir's reluctance was born not out of defiance, but out of a fierce sense of self-respect and dignity. She was determined to honor Benazir's wishes while also ensuring her safety in a world that often offered few choices.

Her gaze wandered to a small, intricately carved wooden box on a nearby table-a repository of cherished mementos and secrets shared between them. Its presence served as a reminder of the trust they had cultivated over the years, a bond that would now be put to the test.

With a resolute sigh, Raziya Bi knew that her role as protector and guide required her to tread carefully yet decisively. She would need to find the right words, the right gestures, to convey the urgency of the situation and the concern she held for Benazir's well-being.

In the stillness of the room, Raziya Bi's heart was heavy with the weight of responsibility, but her determination burned like a steady flame. She knew that the hours ahead would be fraught with challenges, but she was willing to face them all in her unwavering commitment to Benazir's safety and happiness.

Shuffling through the ivory coloured curtains, the enchantress padded past the dimly lit candelabrum into the rosewood scented room. The strong fluorescent suddenly prickling her eyesight as her steps halted at the doorstep of the dusty white railings that led to the vast opening, cold zephyr rustling through the mezzanine.

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