He was quiet for a while.

"Ed i really appreciate you are so protective and honestly it feels really good when your ready to do anything to protect me but I don't want to hurt anyone and you know we can always inform teachers they will look into it and take necessary steps I don't want you to get in trouble either..."

"Kiara "he said looking right into my eyes this time. The fact that he mentioned my full name showed his concern and seriousness.

"It's not a trouble and I don't want anyone to harm you be it physical or mental .I would do anything to protective you after all.."he paused and sighed "Your my best friend and I would never let anyone harm you."

"Ed I won't let anyone harm me and I am sure neither would you "I smiled.


We reached camping site by noon we had our lunch and tied our tents ,we took some rest .Sandra and Amanda were with me in the same tent.Later in the evening we were to be grouped in two for all the activities and each group were to have equal number of seniors .I was hoping me and Ed are in same group. Mr Flinch was announcing names and parting them in two.

Oh no!Edward was in another team .I was already feeling lonely .I saw Henry and Marcus hug him (Henry and Marcus are Ed's close friends they are in same football team and they are batch mates too).Suddenly all my camping spirit started simmering .Mr. Flinch were to announce the leaders for each team.

"So the captain for team A is.."everyone was yelling Edward "Yes it's Edward."

"And the captain for team B is Jake."

My mouth fell open ,I was half astonished and half startled .Ed warned me about Jake and I just noticed we were in same team and he was the captain.I was already trying to deal with it and I saw Ed grit his teeth ,I saw his fist was clenched tight .They exchanged cold glares.

Our team were assigned with our first mission to collect firewood and Ed's team had to cook.Thank goodness I wasn't good at cooking I could merely prepare something to survive.So we set out ,Amanda was in my team and Sandra was in Ed's team.Actually this whole cooking and all was just a part of activity we had stove .We had to get the fire woods before it got dark.

Jake divided the team into two to make it quick because that would fetch us bonus.We were collecting woods when Amanda tripped and hurt her elbow .

"Hey Amanda your elbow is bleeding!"I exclaimed.

"Yeah it's hurting."she yelled

"Don't worry I have got some band aids but first let me put some water."

I poured some water on her wound and cleaned it with my handkerchief and placed a band aid on it.

"Thanks a lot Kiara"

"No problem."

Our team had already proceeded towards the camp site I left my bottle where Amanda had tripped so I went back and was leaving when I saw Jake

"Hey what are you doing here?"

"I had forgot my bottle here so just came to take it."

"Yeah you should be careful don't leave the group it will be dark soon you might get lost."He said.

I nodded .We walked out together till the camp site.I saw Ed rushing towards me.

"Kim are you fine?"He sounded worried.

"Yeah Ed I am fine."

"What took you so long all your team mates were here?"

"I forgot my bottle so I just went back."

He saw Jake with me.

"What are you doing with her?"He said furiously .

"What do you mean ?She is my team mate of course I'll be with her."Jake said in a high tone

"Did he trouble you Kim?"

"No Ed I am fine don't worry let's go .Your team has to start cooking ."

We moved and Ed's team started cooking .I sat and watch Ed cooking though he was not let into the kitchen he cooked well.We all had food and it was delicious and since Ed presented it fabulously his team won the first round.

We went back to our tents .Me ,Amanda and Sandra were talking about general stuffs.

"Guys I am sleeping I am tired."Amanda yawned and stretched her arms .

She was made her bed and went to slumber.I was getting up because Sandra didn't speak to me much don't know she behave weird with me, but then.

"Hey Kiara"she said

"Yeah Sandra?"

"How long have you known Edward for?"

"Umm I guess 7-8 months."

"So are you guys seeing each other ?"

"No he is just my best friend."I said.

It wasn't a surprise because I've been asked this since I met him.And every girl in the school wanted to know this though I told them they never believed me .

"So do you like him?"

"Well of course .He is my best friend after all but not the other way ."

"Is he interested in anyone?"

"No as of what I know."

"What does he likes?"

"Sandra I don't mean to be rude but can we talk about it tomorrow I am tired.I am extremely sorry."

It was getting weird that she was only talking about Ed and I don't know why but I was getting uncomfortable.

"Sure ."She smirked as if I was pleading and she granted me a wish.

I went to my bed and before I could even blink I fell asleep.

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