37- Fall Festival

Start from the beginning

As Jenny gave you your change, she asked, "What's in the big bag?"

"A present for Mountain," you explained.

"Ah. Well, I'll see you at the festival!"

. . .

"So apparently ghouls and small children do not mix?"

"No, just kids and Sodo. And chili and Sodo. . .And caffeine and Sodo."

You and Copia stood in the corner sipping cups of coffee watching Terzo frantically apologizing to parents and guardians for Sodo's behavior. The Fire ghoul had already been dragged away by Sister Imperator for egging on the kids to learn how to swear. Before that, the caffeinated ghoul stole bowls upon bowls of the winning chili. Terzo was currently apologizing to a tired mother who just wanted to get her small child to stop crying.

"Let's go help." You brought Copia over to them, and Terzo scooted away from the situation. You noticed that the rest of the ghouls had cleaned up their instruments and were putting them back in the church basement until they could go home.

"Paul, please. . ." The mother shushed her son, trying to quiet him.

"Here, miss." Copia handed her a cup of coffee and you offered to hold Paul's hand. She nodded, and you sat down with Paul at a nearby picnic table. He must have been maybe four or five, and was not having a good time. Between sobs, he tried to talk to you.

"Paul, buddy, can you take deep breaths and slow down? Then you can talk to me." Paul slowed down, and got the words out.

"I want to talk to him!"


"The fun man with the tail!"

Paul must have been talking about Sodo, so you thought up a quick excuse. "He is at home right now, I'm sorry."

Paul frowned. You looked over his shoulder and saw Mountain talking to Rain.

"I have some friends like that man. Come with me." You held Paul's hand as you walked him over to the ghouls. "Hey, guys."

"Hey, Y/N! Oh, and who are you, buddy?" Mountain said. He and Rain squatted down to talk to Paul. The boy was entranced by having the full attention of both ghouls. They talked for a while until Paul's mother dragged her child away. You could hear her yell at Paul about staying away from "such untrustworthy creatures" that would "haunt his dreams". You were going to go after her, but a hand went to your shoulder and held you back.

"Leave it be. Just leave it." Rain said. You turned to face him. His voice was level, but you saw the pain in his eyes. You sighed and gave in.

. . .

"Nice to be home, huh, Tobias?" You put the rat back into his cage at home. Tobias excitedly squeaked and cuddled up in his fleece blanket. "Did I tell you I saw Special the other day?"

"Oh?" Mountain asked. He was sprawled out on your couch, taking advantage of the WiFi passcode you just gave him. You invited him over for supper, which was chili that Terzo sent home with you.

"He has a scooter now. I saw him go down the street ringing that stupid little bell on it, and his helmet was slipping off his head."

"Serves him right. Where are you off to?" Mountain looked up from his phone.

"I have something for you." You went to get the sunflowers and bag with the shoebox. "Here."

You gave Mountain the flowers first. He smiled and smelled them. "You know flowers are a weakness of mine."

"Can you guess why I picked sunflowers?"

"They are in bloom."

"Uh- well, yes. But not exactly."

"Then I don't know why."

"This is going to sound cheesy. . ."

"Go ahead." Mountain laughed and gave you a forehead kiss.

"You are tall and make me smile, and sunflowers are tall flowers and they make me smile."

"That's kinda cute, actually," he said.

"Sit down," you blurted. Mountain looked a bit concerned as he sat next to you on the couch.

"Are these a way to calm me down before you tell me some bad news?" He asked, gesturing to the flowers.

"No! No, no, no."


"Stop it!" You laughed. "Open this."

Mountain took the shoebox out from the bag and opened it. His breath hitched when he saw the boots. The tissue paper crinkled as he took one out, and his hands shook as he gently ran his fingers over the embroidery.

"Beautiful. . ." he whispered. "I've never had shoes this beautiful."

"I'm glad you like them."

Mountain put the boot down and moved the box aside to be able to reach over to hug you. "Thank you so much."

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