Issue 7: The Kidnapping

Start from the beginning

Alive:... Fascinating.

Issac:(sigh)... I'm sleeping next to a robot tonight, aren't I?

The twins arrived at the police station to do their autopsy on the Interloper. They found that being from a different reality, lying down.

With their tools, they tried to remove their armor.

Scott: I do hope I'm not also a victim of your rage.

Mandy: Why would you think that?

Scott: You haven't said a word to me all day.

Mandy: You haven't said anything that would make you worth the breath it would take to speak.


Scott: How dare you? My theory on what the Interloper's armor is made of was fantastic.


Scott: Would you get over your little "friend"? She used you.

Mandy: And I helped her use Issac...

Scott: And that's why you're upset?

Mandy: No... Yes... But mostly...

Mandy: Issac didn't really try to see if they could have been saved...

Scott: If you were there, you would have realized it was a lost cause.

Scott: And on a side note, stop trying to mold him into your perfect hero.

Mandy: I'm not molding him...

Mandy:(mumbles) Just showing him what he really is...

Her phone rings, and pulling it out of her pocket, she discovers it's Issac. Leaving her brother to continue the work, she walks over to the other side of the room and picks up.

Mandy: I'm working. What do you want?

Issac:(on phone) Hello to you too.

Mandy:(sigh)... Hi.

Issac:(on phone) So after being left awake all night by Alive, who chatted philosophy with me all night...

Issac:(on phone) I realized you ARE mad at me.

Mandy: You figured it out faster than expected... Now can you deduce why?

Issac:(on phone) I didn't save her. Nor did I care about her.


Issac:(on phone) Yeah, you can have as many Doctorates as you want, you ain't beating me when it comes to understanding emotional cues, honey.

Issac:(on phone) Mandy. I'm sorry I disappointed you. I... I'm just not that hero you want me to become.

Mandy: Issac...

Mandy: You were so close...

Issac:(on phone) Huh?

Mandy: You've always been my hero. Ever since you saved me and Scott from those thugs.

Mandy: The hero who helps those in need... Even if he gets beaten down, he'll get back up and do the right thing.

Mandy: That's you.

Issac:(on phone) You're giving me a bit too much credit, don't you think?

Mandy: Not at all-!?!

Issac:(on phone) Mandy....? Mandy?

With a hand covering her mouth, Mandy followed the hand to find it belonging to the Interloper. Grabbing the hand that held her phone, they raised it to their face.

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