The shadows of London

Start from the beginning

I begin to imagine all the ways i could kill him. he doesn't deserve that. I just know that I would make it so fucking painful and i would enjoy every second of it, just like he did.
I hear the sounds of my sisters screams echo though my mind, images of her body being demolished.
Her head smashed in...
Her arms and legs black and blue....
Bones ripping out of her flesh...
Her blood...
So much blood....

I speed up closer to him and i reach into my pocket grabbing the handle of my knife so tightly, i swear my knuckles turn white.
No ones around. Perfect.
I can take my time..
Ive only ever killed one man before. But it was an accident. So I'm no stranger to taking ones life.

I see Jack turn a sudden corner at one part of the street. Shit..
I speed up to follow him, but when i turn the corner.....he's gone.
He's gone.....shit!

How have I missed him? I had him right there....
I release the blade from my grasp, leaving it hanging in my pocket. I try to calm myself, telling myself that maybe I should leave it for tonight. Come again tomorrow.
I turn and pace quickly back to the bakery, my rage not simmering down at all, causing me to lose myself...
He was right there and i had the chance
Why didn't i take the fucking chance?!
Why?! He was so close! You had him! And now you may never have the chance again.
Fuck....fuck..fuck. Fuck. Fuck! FUCK-!

I slam my fist into a brick wall, realising that i now had blood trickling from my knuckles. Hmm.
Seeing the blood on my hands somewhat calms me, reminds me of how their blood will also be on my hands, and that makes me feel so much better.
I smile at the thought of their deaths. Their bodies battered and bruised......their blood spilled all over my fingers... my revenge..

Ha...I'm going fucking insane.
Maybe that's good, cause no sane person would be able to carry out four murders.
I should head back...
Fuck this hurts...

Sweeneys POV

"She's been gone for some time now" Mrs Lovett speaks out, "wonder where she is poor thing. She's never known a home, so maybe this has scared her?...Mr.T? You hear me?" She speaks a little louder, i do hear her but my mind is focused on the dark street.
Y/N has only been gone for a few hours, yet it feels like its been longer. Maybe she got suspicious of my blades? No, that's unlikely, especially with how she carries one with her.
Where is she at this late of hour?

'Her room is made so at least when she gets back she can have a nice lie down" Mrs Lovett comes besides me, looking out the window.
"How long does she intend to stay?' I ask, not looking away from the street.
"Hard to say, she say she needed some work and a place to stay. But judging by her luggage, i don't think she'll stay more than a few months. Or weeks, who knows" Mrs Lovett turns to face me, "Don't worry love, she wont be a problem. Ill keep her in check. She wont even notice up here. You can focus on that Judge Turpin"

Yes..Judge Turpin.
I want to kill him now, but Mrs Lovett tells me to wait, build my rage up more.
I have been for the past 15 years doing that.
15 years of waiting, longing for revenge. To hold my girl, Johanna, who he holds her up like some animal in a cage.
I will set her free. I made that promise to my wife Lucy. My sweet Lucy..
Taken from me......poisoned herself.......because I was too late.
I will never forgive myself for that..
And i sure as hell wont forgive that bastard.

"Oh there she is" Mrs Lovett points out.
I see y/n rush towards the bakery, holding her hand in the other. Looking as if she's angry or in pain. What the...
I turn and rush down the stairs with Mrs Lovett behind my tail.
I slam the bakery door open as soon as she enters.
Her hand is bloody, some parts dripping onto her dress. Though her expression is mixture of confusion and shyness. She is unreadable.

"My god y/n what happened? Your hand!" Mrs Lovett rushes forward to grab her hand and she flinches at the touch.
"Im okay Nellie, just an accident..." she states.
"An accident? What did you do, punch a wall?!"
I see y/n look down, then up at me. Her eyes look sad, while the rest of her face looks stone cold. Punching a wall seems the only logical explanation for that. Unless something else happened.
"Come in here lets get that cleaned up quickly" Mrs Lovett pulls her in the over room.
'Mr.T grab some alcohol!" She calls out.

I find y/n sat with her hand out on the side of the couch, Mrs Lovett with some bandages of some sort.
I hand the bottle of alcohol to Mrs Lovett and i stand just beside y/n, watching how her expression is full of sadness and numbness.
What the fuck was she doing out there?
"This is gonna sting bad darling, so get ready. I'll do my best to be quick" Mrs Lovett grabs the bottle and y/n's hand. Looking up at me, motioning her head towards y/n.
I see her finally look down towards her hand and her expression changes instantly to worry.  She looks scared.

"Wait-" she rushes out, but immediately cut off when Mrs Lovett pours the alcohol on her bleeding hand. She hisses and tries to pull back.
"Hold her quick!"
I grab ahold of her wrist and hold it steady in front of Lovett as she continues to pour more alcohol which then causes her to yelp. "Fuck!!"
She turns her head and buries it beside my chest, stomping her leg and using her free arm to grab onto my arm. She's doesn't do well with pain. That much is obvious.

"Almost there dearie, just gotta get this muck off" Mrs Lovett then proceeds to wipe her knuckles with a cloth, which seems to make it worse.
She whimpers beside my chest and the sounds make me feel sorry for her, worried for her even. I try my best to comfort her as Mrs Lovett pours more alcohol to get the last bit of dirt off.

"Your okay..your okay" I whisper in her ear. That seems to have calmed her and her body stops fidgeting so much. Seeing her in pain like this causes a tug to form in my chest.

"There we go

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"There we go. Worst is over. Just gotta wrap this up now" she hushes her. She looks over to her hand and i notice a single tear forming in her eye, but she discreetly wipes it away. Mrs Lovett doesn't notice, but i do. She's still holding onto my arm tightly, i don't think she even notices.

"Right. That should do it. What were you doing out there y/n? You weren't even gone for that long" Mrs Lovett questions her. But it doesn't seem like she's ready to answer. She stumbles on her words, unable to give a straight answer, so i cut in.

"It's late. Let her rest for the night" i say. Only then does she release my arm, realising how tightly she was squeezing.
Mrs Lovett looks up at me, nodding seeing how serious i am.
"Course love. Show her to her room and i'll get this all cleaned up"  she stands to collect the bottle of alcohol and extra bandages. Then disappearing into the other room.

Y/n stands looking dazed. I place my hand on her shoulder causing her to flinch and look directly at me. "Come on love". I then lead her to her room.

(Long chapter i knowwww. Just trying to build the story up instead of getting to the point. Hope ur enjoying so far :) )

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