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Y/N's POV:

We sprinted down the walkway, the wooden planks clacking under our feet. I could hear the ocean waves crashing into the cliff face from here, even if I couldn't yet see it from the trees blocking my view. 

"Y/N," said Jaeyun beside me, puffs of mist clouding with every breath. "How did Myungho know to come to that accounting place? It wasn't because Deok-su told him, was it."

I hesitated. Jaeyun was smart, and I knew he wouldn't believe me if I tried to play it off innocently. Even though Myungho had never told him anything, I wondered if Jaeyun had suspected something for a while. 

"I think you should talk to Myungho and your brother when this is all over—"

The six of us ducked when we heard a shot echo through the biting air.

"Myungho!" called out a panicked-sounding Gyeo-wool just behind us, but I snapped my head back as Minho covered her mouth.

"Listen," he whispered.

The wind snatched many words, though two familiar voices could be heard.

"Wasted the last one..." called Myungho. "...think I know another reason...didn't want you in Dragon business. You couldn't shoot a bullseye in front of your face Chang—"

"Think I need this to kill you?...I don't recall shooting....what's his name? That teammate of yours...how's his head doing?"

That retort would've riled Myungho beyond reason so I scrambled up, dashed forward and around the winding rockside until coming out to the cliff's peak. I heard Jaeyun and the others right behind me.

"Myungho stop!" I shouted. Far closer to the edge than us, if Myungho tried to beat Changhoon, who still had his gun, someone would either get shot or they'd fall over the edge and hit the rocky, turbulent waters.

Both of them froze before turning back to see us. Myungho's expression was clearly surprised. A cut under his jaw was bleeding, and scrapes and bruising mottled his arms.

"Y/N? Jae—"

But I interrupted him. Hopefully this would reel Myungho back. "Seungheon, Yoonsung and Yeonseok are fine."

"Seungie's gonna make a full recovery," pitched in Jaeyun. "Doctor said so. He's okay, Myung-ah."

Myungho looked between us, still shocked like he thought that any good news was just a pipe dream.

I wanted to hug him and tell him it was okay.

"We just got a call from Jaeyun's dad!" I continued, competing with the ocean waves and wind. "Yeonseok's surgery went well too. He should wake up any day. And the doctors will wake up Yoonsung when he's rested enough!"

"But the news report," said Myungho, barely audible, looking haunted.

"It's not what you think." Mrs Jung had explained the circumstances as Haemin had told them to her. Before...it had happened. Haemin's mother had been so sweet in asking for me to help out. I didn't want to recall it so soon, unable to quell my feelings of guilt, but if it meant that Myungho would finally realise that it wasn't his fault, I would.


Yeona's POV:

"What, Yeona?"

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