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"Shut up I'm trying to help you." I dragged him around the corner and hid us behind a wall-propped fire hose.

"Y/N? Seriously what the hell?" he said again. "What are you even doing here?"

"Taking my character profile assignment a little too seriously by stalking you." I gave him the are you stupid? face when he eyed me suspiciously. "Believe it or not, you're not the only eighteen-year-old that decided to come here on a Saturday."

"Good for you," he disregarded. "but I've had enough crazy for today." And he moved me aside, but on the opposite store's window, I saw that Changhoon's group was about to pass—meaning that even if I pulled Myungho back before he literally bumped into them, they'd still see him.

This was so annoying. Why was I even bothering? So I tugged at his arm and put my Rolling Stones cap on him the moment he turned to me again and stood close so it looked like we were having a private couple moment.

He looked down at me incredulously and was about to speak, but I made a "shh" gesture with my finger and glanced over at the window's reflection. Myungho followed my gaze and saw: six guys, including Changhoon, walking past. One of them wolf-whistled whilst another barked at what they probably thought was a couple making out. Creeps.

Other than that, the group didn't pay us any more attention. 

We stayed like that a moment, barely any space between us, taking shallow breaths of each other's air.

"That Chae-soo chick was hotter in person, dude," said one of the guys in the group. Their passing voices echoed back. 

"...I'm not even mad bro, she probably caught something from him anyway," came Changhoon's snotty voice.

Myungho narrowed his eyes, but I grabbed his shirt and mouthed, "Don't."

"...he got you pretty good with that hit..."

"Please," dismissed Changhoon, probably trying to sound complacent. "He was lucky he had all his brainwashed little groupies around. I would've kicked his arse. Did you even see how he flinched when I mentioned the games?"

A sea of agreeing voices replied.

I had seen no such flinch from Myungho when the other mentioned baseball. Could this Changhoon be any more pathetically obvious?

"...he probably blew the umpire or something...everyone knows the real team he bats for..."

And that was apparently the last straw for Myungho, who removed my grip and stormed his way after them. Were boys really so stupid with their egos? I rushed after him and blocked his path. I knew he could've pushed me, but I was betting on him not doing that here.

"Get out of my way, Y/N."

"No," I whisper-shouted. "What's wrong with you? What, you can't handle some desperately boasting creep cracking a gay joke about you? Who cares what he says?"

Myungho's jaw clenched. "This isn't about that."

"Oh really? Fine. But are you seriously going to go over there and start a fight? There are six of them. Unless you're Bruce-freaking-Lee, good luck with that. Don't you have some big game against Changhoon's team coming up? You want to give him the upper hand in winning when you break your hands trying to take them all on?"

Myungho honestly looked like he was considering pushing me aside this time, but after a drawn-out stare-off, he stepped back and huffed.

"Why did you do that?" he asked.

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